
JAKARTA - PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur (Pupuk Kaltim) kembali meraih penghargaan Green Port Award 2022 dari Kementerian Koordinator Kemaritiman dan Investasi (Kemenko Marves), atas implementasi tata kelola port berwasan lingkungan di area terminal khusus perusahaan. Award diterima VP Pelabuhan dan Pengapalan Pupuk Kaltim Sidiq Purnomo Nugroho, di Gedung Kemenko Marves, Rabu 28 Desember lalu.

Sidiq revealed that this second award was won based on an assessment conducted by the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, where the special terminal Pupuk Kaltim was considered to have met all Green Port criteria for management aspects, technical aspects such as ports, K3 aspects to the environment and energy, as well as digitalization aspects with an achievement of 80.97 percent.

Sidiq further said, as the first company in Indonesia to win the Green Port Award in 2019, Pupuk Kaltim continues to be committed to improving the governance of environmentally friendly ports that refer to Green Port Guideline and Rating Tools.

This standard has been a guideline for Pupuk Kaltim since 2018, because it relates to export activities that require the company's port to have an internationally recognized green port standard.

"The management of environmentally friendly ports has had a positive and significant impact on the sustainability of the Pupuk Kaltim business process, so that various improvements continue to be made in its management," said Sidiq, in his statement, Tuesday, January 3.

He explained that the achievements of the 2022 Green Port Award are also a manifestation of Pupuk Kaltim's success in following up on the evaluation of environmental management programs, which have been realized in the company's port area in recent years. One of them is the implementation of a healthy port according to Permenkes Number 44 of 2014.

"Similarly in the future, Pupuk Kaltim will continue to evaluate and improve services in the company's port area, so that the fulfillment of green and smart port criteria can be more optimal," explained Sidiq.

Some of the green innovations and smart ports that have so far been implemented by Pupuk Kaltim include using heavy cranes using electricity, replacing conventional lighting with LEDs, conducting port operational vehicle emission tests, and having live plants in the work environment.

In addition, Pupuk Kaltim also uses environmentally friendly paint, optimizes natural lighting and makes artificial lighting to maintain eye health and is productive in the application of green building. Furthermore, it avoids the use of ozone-depleting materials and replaces the use of fossil energy with electrical energy (shore power), as an implementation of Shore Power Connection in a special terminal.

"Pupuk Kaltim is committed to ensuring that programs related to port operations are environmentally friendly, in accordance with what is requested in the standard green port requirements. Including its management, Pupuk Kaltim continues to be carried out continuously every year," explained Sidiq.

According to Sidiq, there are four main criteria for preparing a green port carried out by Pupuk Kaltim, namely from the management aspect according to Government Regulation number 61 of 2009 concerning Port, including planning, policies, promotion, management system and community empowerment. Furthermore, the environmental protection aspect refers to Law number 32 of 2009 concerning environmental protection and management.

In line with the principles of Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) in corporate governance, Pupuk Kaltim ensures that the implementation of environmentally friendly port aspects will continue to be improved through comprehensive concrete steps in the port area. So that in the future the green port commitment realized by Pupuk Kaltim will contribute positively to the environment in the company's industrial area.

"That's why Pupuk Kaltim conducted an assessment, to further measure the level of achievement of the implementation of green ports in all areas of the company's special terminals," added Sidiq.

Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan appreciated all parties who won this year's Green Port Award, and encouraged other ports in Indonesia to meet the criteria for a gradual green port or green port. This is also expected to further spur all stakeholders to cooperate more intensively, in order to realize Indonesia towards a world-class sustainable port.

According to Luhut, the implementation of a green and smart port is expected to increase added value for ports in Indonesia, because it plays an important role as a Maritime country. Moreover, currently, Indonesia is the only one in Southeast Asia to enter the top 20 countries with good port performance, based on the median waiting time for container ships reaching 24.9 hours. Indonesia's position is above other developed countries such as Italy, France, Greece, Germany, the United States, Russia, Australia and Canada.

"Currently we have completed the assessment process for 10 ports, and in the future there will be 149 ports that are encouraged to meet the standards of Green Port and Smart Port, so that Indonesian ports can compete in the international arena," said Luhut.

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