
Malang City Central Statistics Agency (BPS) stated that rice prices pushed for inflation in Malang City, East Java, by 0.58 percent and contributed significantly in the period December 2022.

Head of BPS Malang City Erny Fatma Setyoharini said, in December 2022, rice prices recorded an increase of 2.03 percent, and contributed 0.063 percent to inflation.

"The price of rice in December 2022 contributed 0.063 percent with an increase in prices of 2.03 percent," said Erny as quoted by Antara, Monday, January 2.

In addition to rice, said Erny, other commodities that contributed to the inflation of Malang City in December 2022 were broiler eggs which contributed 0.060 percent, cayenne pepper 0.044 percent and gold jewelery by 0.041 percent.

Then, he continued, kretek cigarettes, which experienced an increase in prices of 2.37 percent, contributed 0.039 percent, air transportation contributed 0.033 percent, tempeh 0.031 percent, shallots 0.020 percent and cooking oil 0.018 percent.

"In December 2022, inflation was mainly due to rising prices in the food, beverage and tobacco group, as well as gold jewelery and air transportation," said Erny.

He added, while a number of commodities that experienced a decline in prices or deflation in that period included red chilies falling 9.03 percent, bricks falling 4.26 percent liquid soap 1.37 percent and a number of fruits.

It was recorded that year on year (yoy) 2022 inflation in Malang City was 6.45 percent.

Selama 2022, ada sejumlah catatan dari BPS Kota Malang yang mendorong inflasi yoy Kota Malang lebih tinggi dibanding dua tahun sebelumnya, yang masingnya tercatat 1,42 persen 1,75 persen.

These notes include in early January 2022, the scarcity of cooking oil commodities.

Then, there is an increase in the price of avtur, anomalous weather in several areas and an adjustment to the price of subsidized fuel oil (BBM).

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