
JAKARTA - Stock trading in 2022 is officially closed. In trading Friday, December 30, the Composite Stock Price Index (JCI) was at the level of 6,850.62 after falling 0.14 percent or minus 9.56 points.

Citing statistical data from the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX), the JCI rose 4.09 percent from the end of 2021 period at the level of 6,081.5.

Based on this note, JCI occupies the position of the two stock indexes in ASEAN or is below the Singapore STI stock index with a growth of 4.27 percent.

Meanwhile, when compared to the world stock index, the JCI is in eighth place.

Throughout this year, JCI's market capitalization reached IDR 9,499 trillion, an increase of 11.41 percent from the position at the end of 2021 of IDR 8,256 trillion.

The average daily transaction of the Exchange at the end of trading for the 2022 period is IDR 14.71 trillion, an increase of 9.78 percent from IDR 13.4 trillion in 2021.

Sebagai tambahan informasi, hingga 28 Desember 2022, telah terdapat 59 perusahaan tercatat yang melakukan initial public offering (IPO). Sehingga sebanyak 825 perusahaan telah mencatatkan sahamnya di IDX.

Of that amount, the total fund-based IPO shares reached IDR 33.06 trillion. This achievement is the highest since the privatization of the Stock Exchange in 1992.

In addition, this achievement is also the largest IPO in the ASEAN Region for 4 consecutive years since 2019.

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