
Pertamina memperkuat Pertashop untuk produksi BBM dan LPG di wilayah yang memiliki potensi bencana selama liburan Natal dan Tahun Baru 2023.

Pertamina's Director of Logistics & Infrastructure, Erry Widiastono Erry said, the presence of Pertashop will strengthen the reliability of fuel supply and availability in the community, especially on routes that are difficult to access to gas stations.

"Currently, if we look at Pertashop, it becomes one of the outlets that strengthen gas stations themselves, so together with gas stations, Pertashop is expected to help reliably supply fuel in the community," said Erry in an official statement, Thursday, December 29.

Erry appreciated the presence of Pertashop, especially on the South Coastal Line (Pansela) of West Java, which is one of the routes that has potential disaster-prone.

On the same occasion, Pertamina's SVP Logistics Integration & Optimization Arief Kurnia Risdianto said that the Christmas and New Year's Task Force ensures the smooth distribution of fuel, especially in areas with quite difficult access.

"The Christmas and New Year 2023 Task Force ensures the smooth distribution of fuel to the community, including those who have quite difficult access. We ensure that all stocks at gas stations or Pertashop are sufficient and ready to be distributed to the public," said Arief.

He ensured that the entire Christmas and New Year's Task Force Team was ready to serve the needs of fuel and public LPG during the 2023 New Year holidays.

Until now in Pansela covering Garut, Tasikmalaya and Pangandaran regencies there are 7 Pertashops, 11 gas stations and 11 PSO LPG agents.

Meanwhile, in the Retail Bandung Area, there are 20 Motorists, 1 Modular, 8 bag gas stations, 53 Alert gas stations and 4 Lumpillary Outlet Supporting.

For Agents & standby bases, there are 386 PSO Siaga LPG Agents, 9,824 Alert LPG bases, 41 non-PSO Alert LPG agents, and 3,162 Non-PSO Alert LPG Sub-Agens.

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