
JAKARTA The port operator PT IPC Terminal Petikes (TPK) managed to record positive performance through improved operational performance and financial performance throughout 2022.

Based on a recent published November report, the SOE posted an operational growth of 6.1 percent year on year (yoy).

IPC TPK President Director David said this achievement exceeded the target set at the beginning of the year with 3.06 percent.

The success gained cannot be separated from strengthening the operational foundation and professional human resources. This all has a real impact on extra services to service users starting before the ship docks until the ship leaves the port," he said in a written statement on Thursday, December 29.

David explained, until last month the loading and unloading of the TPK IPC container was 2,632,260 TEUs. This figure has increased the current period in 2021 by 2,479,630 TEUs.

In addition, in November 2022 IPC TPK also recorded 95.72 boxes/ships/hours that became the highest BSH, well above the loading and unloading performance of 55 boxes/ships/hours set by the Directorate General of Sea Transportation.

"We ensure that loading and unloading services for containers will continue to operate 24/7 throughout the Christmas holidays and the turn of the new year 2023," he said.

According to David, his party predicts that more than 25,000 boxes of containers will be served at five Tanjung Priok Area Terminals in the last week of December 2022.

"As a measure to anticipate the surge in container buildup at the port, we are moving the Gate In and Gate Out locations at the Tanjung Priok 1 Zone 3 Area terminal with the aim of reducing the number of truck queues," he said.

In addition, he continued, additional container field capacity was also carried out, providing buffer areas at Gate In that could accommodate queues of trucks and more secure internal and external truck lanes.

"At the end of this year, we are coordinating internally to maintain the stability of the flow of goods so that the logistics chain continues to run well. IPC TPK will continue to support the government in anticipating the spike that will occur ahead of the 2023 New Year", concluded David.

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