
JAKARTA PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (BRI) is preparing to close the 2022 book with a number of sweet contributions this year. In a press release distributed today, Thursday, December 29, the financial services institution coded as BBRI shares explained the company's 10 best achievements.

Here's a summary of the editorial for readers.

1. Maintain the Predicate of World's Largest Public Companies in Indonesia

Label sebagai perusahaan publik terbesar di Tanah Air semakin lengkap dengan masuknya BRI dalam Forbes 2022: Global 2000 Worlds Largest Public Companies. Bank wong cilik ini tercatat menempati ranking ke-349 dunia atau naik peringkat dari sejaran ke-362 pada tahun lalu.

2. Profit Raup IDR 39.31 trillion in nine months

BBRI recorded a profit of IDR 39.31 trillion in the third quarter of 2022. This gain shot up 106.1 percent year on year (yoy) compared to the same period in 2021.

"This profit achievement is the highest for BRI and companies in Indonesia," said the minutes.

3. Transactions through digital applications reached IDR 2,000 trillion

BRI's official service through digital channels, BRImo, is said to have succeeded in breaking into transactions of IDR 2,084 trillion as of October 2022. This book has doubled compared to the same period the previous year.

4. The number of retail agents has increased to 597,000

BRI's commitment to encouraging financial inclusion in Indonesia is evidenced by the increasing number of BRILink retail agents who have reached Rp597,177 agents or grew 25.7 percent yoy.

5. Ultramicro holding integrates 34 million customers

A year since the establishment of Ultra Micro Holding between BRI and PT Pegadaian and PT Permodalan Nasional Madani (PNM) is claimed to have the potential to encourage 34 million customers in the populist business sector to advance to class. Now, integrated services have covered 1,003 locations throughout Indonesia.

6. Restructuring facilities for 3.9 million customers

The COVID-19 pandemic that has occurred in the last three years has had a significant impact on business continuity, especially MSMEs, which are BRI's priority customers. Responding to this condition, the company provided credit restructuring facilities to 3.9 million customers with a value of IDR 256.1 trillion.

7. The highest sustainable financing is IDR 671 trillion

BRI is listed as the company with the highest sustainable financing with a realization of IDR 671.1 trillion or equivalent to 66.6 percent of the total loans disbursed in the third quarter of 2022. This strategic step also strengthens BBRI as a role model for implementing Environmental, Social, & Governance (ESG) in Indonesia.

8. Distributing 680,000 tree seedlings to support carbon emission absorption.

This year Bank Rakyat Indonesia has provided 680,000 tree seedlings to a number of parties in Indonesia as part of its active efforts to fight climate change. Meanwhile, the total tree seedlings that will be distributed will reach 1.75 trees by 2023.

9. Support village empowerment

Through the BRILian Village program, the bank with the largest national asset is recorded as having 2,182 assisted villages which are expected to continue to optimize local economic potential. The big plan is contained in the company's Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's) blueprint.

10. 165 awards were won

Throughout this year, BRI has stated that it has won 165 prestigious awards, both from within the country and abroad. The number of awards is claimed to have increased significantly compared to previous years.

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