
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) is determined to continue to strengthen the competitiveness of the national manufacturing industry through the latest mastery of technology.

This target is the basis for the Ministry of Industry to initiate the formation of a one stop service, called the Indonesia Manufacturing Center (IMC).

The goal is to become a collaboration center for industrial companies, universities, research institutions, industrial communities, and the government in an effort to develop and improve mastery of industrial technology to support increased production and innovation as well as reduce imports of the manufacturing industry.

Later, IMC is expected to become a bridge or solution to realize the results of university research or research institutions into real products.

"Thus, the products resulting from research and innovation can fill out e-catalog and become a priority for spending on domestic products. This is an innovating, a combination of innovation and manufacturing," said the Director General of Metal, Machinery, Transportation Equipment and Electronics Industry (ILMATE) of the Ministry of Industry, Taufiek Bawazier, in a written statement, Thursday, December 29.

The Director General of ILMATE said that the presence of IMC will also have a positive impact on industrial progress in Indonesia. In addition, IMC can help commercialize the results of downstream research.

"The presence of IMC also encourages the growth of new entrepreneurs or industries, increasing the class of IKM into large industries, and creating new job opportunities for the younger generation," said Taufiek.

Taufiek also said that the IMC information system socialization activity aims to strengthen and enlarge the IMC through input from various parties.

"So, IMC can realize creative ideas into real products that contribute to the economy and aims to strengthen industrial competitiveness," he concluded.

For your information, the Minister of Industry Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita has led the groundbreaking of IMC development located in the Plered area, Purwakarta, West Java, on December 5.

The development of IMC's physical infrastructure is also accompanied by the development of a virtual IMC, a digital platform that will accommodate IMC services in the future.

The virtual IMC information system carries the concept of cloud manufacturing whose ownership is in stakeholders throughout Indonesia to be able to interact and collaborate with each other.

Then, the Ministry of Industry is here to provide assistance and facilities related to the budget, if the results of research and innovation can have a significant impact on import substitution.

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