
JAKARTA - The government through the National Food Agency has officially issued a reference selling price at the consumer level for a number of commodities.

Such as Soybeans, Red Onions, Red Rawit Chili, Red Keriting Chili, Cow or Buffalo, and Consumption Sugar.

The regulation is contained in the Regulation of the National Food Agency (Perbadan) Number 11 of 2022 concerning the Purchase Reference Price at the Producent Level and Reference Selling Price at the Consumer Level of Soybeans, Onions, Red Cross, Red Refly, Red Kering Chili, Cow or Buffalo, and Consumption Sugar.

Head of the National Food Agency Arief Prasetyo Adi said this regulation was prepared to strengthen national food management, especially regarding efforts to realize new equilibrium prices for strategic food commodities.

In addition, Arief said this regulation aims to regulate the Purchasing and Sales Reference Price (HAP), thus providing certainty about the purchase price of harvests from farmers and breeders while reducing the potential for turmoil and fluctuations in food commodity prices at the consumer level.

"For this reason, in its implementation, this regulation mandates all food business actors to consistently make purchases and sales according to the reference price that has been set," he told the media, Wednesday, December 28.

Arief said, this regulation will complement the previous regulations, namely the Entity Number 5 of 2022 concerning the Purchase Reference Price at the Producent Level and Reference Sales Price at the Consumer Level of the Commodity of Corn, Chicken Ras, and Chicken Ras which has been set on October 5, 2022.

"This agency Number 11 of 2022 has the same spirit as Entity Number 5 of 2022, which regulates the Purchase Reference Price and sales so that new equilibrium prices are realized," he said.

Arief said, with the promulgation of Agency Number 11 of 2022, the National Food Agency currently has instruments to regulate the benchmark prices of eight strategic food commodities, namely corn, soybeans, onions, chicken eggs, ruminant meat, chicken meat, chilies, sugar, and added day old chicken (DOC).

According to Arief, the determination of the benchmark price has been carried out by involving all stakeholders, namely ministries or institutions, academics, associations, business actors, and other elements. He also said that the regulation had passed the stage of public consultation with experts.

"We have involved all stakeholders in the preparation process, including the stage of public consultation, everything contained in this regulation has become a mutual agreement, so it must be carried out and the attention of all relevant parties," explained Arief.

The producer-level reference price is determined based on two main instruments, namely the production and profit cost structure.

Meanwhile, consumer-level benchmark prices are determined based on three main instruments, namely acquisition costs, distribution costs, and profits.

Arief added, if the price in the producer is below the benchmark price, the Government will assign Food SOEs to absorb according to the reference price at the producer level.

Meanwhile, said Arief, when prices in consumers are above the benchmark price, BUMN Food will also sell to the public according to the benchmark price at the consumer level.

This rule also mandates the management of soybean commodities specifically given to Perum Bulog, while for shallot commodities, red cayenne pepper, curly red chilies, beef or buffalo, and sugar consumption can be managed by Bulog and Food SOEs.

"In maintaining the implementation of this reference price, Bulog and BUMN Food can cooperate with other parties such as local governments, BUMD, cooperatives, and the private sector," said Arief.

The following is the List of Determined Prices:

In Agency Number 11 of 2022, local soybean reference prices are set at IDR 10,775 per kg and reference prices in consumers are IDR 11,400 per kg for local soybeans and IDR 12,000 per kg for imported soybeans.

Meanwhile, the reference price of shallots in producers is divided into several types, for wet content of Rp. 18,500 to Rp. 20,000 per kg, dry rotol harvests Rp. 25,000 to Rp. 30,000 per kg, dry entry rate of Rp. 32,000 per kg.

For the reference price of shallots at the consumer level, the dry rocket types are harvested from IDR 36,500 to IDR 41,500 per kg.

As for chilies, the reference price for red cayenne pepper at producers is IDR 25,000 to IDR 31,500 per kg and consumers is IDR 40,000 to IDR 57,000 per kg.

curly red chili in producers of IDR 22,000 to IDR 29,600 per kg, in consumers of IDR 37,000 to IDR 55,000 per kg.

beef is also one of the regulated food commodities, the reference price of beef is IDR 56,000 to IDR 58,000 per kg.

For the consumer level, the reference price of beef is divided into several types, fresh meat or chilled thigh front is IDR 130,000 per kg, the back thigh is IDR 140,000 per kg, the front thigh is frozen IDR 105,000 per kg, and the frozen buffalo is IDR 80,000 per kg.

The last commodity regulated in the regulation is consumption sugar at a reference price of Rp11,500 at the producer level (for 50 kg sack packaging) and Rp13,500 to Rp14,500 per kg at the consumer level.

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