
YOGYAKARTA - The government has disbanded several companies that are members of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN). In the SOE list that was disbanded, some of its conditions were no longer saved, and some companies were even considered "ghosts".

The dissolution of state-owned companies carried out by President Jokowi himself is the subject of the Draft Government Regulation on the Dissolution of Company Company (Persero) PT National Fleet Development Company. The list of SOEs disbanded is contained in the attachment to Presidential Decree (Keppres) No. 25 of 2022 concerning the Program for the Preparation of Government Regulations in 2023. The companies disbanded are as follows.

Aceh Kraft Paper (KKA) became one of the disbanded state-owned companies. It was even disbanded by SOE Minister Erick Thohir in March 2022. He said that KKA had not operated since 2008. The dissolution was carried out through a Shareholder Decree on March 11, 2022.

The last condition of KKA was considered difficult because the production equipment technology used was far behind so that it could not compete globally. KKA also could not be saved anymore because it would need large funds.

The Minister of SOEs also stated that the dissolution of the Archipelago Sandang Industry (ISN), which has been operating, has stopped since 2018. The dissolution was carried out based on a Shareholder Decree on February 2, 2022.

PT Industri Sandang Nusantara is a state-owned company engaged in the textile industry. Meanwhile, ISN's revenue as of 2018 only comes from fabric fabric manufacturing services, even though its operational costs cannot be properly covered and suffer losses. As of 2020, the income is only IDR 52 billion with a loss of IDR 86.2 billion.

PT Industri Gelas has not operated since 2015. The company was dissolved through a Shareholder Decree on March 10, 2022.

PT Industri Gelas is a state-owned company that produces various packages made of glass or glass such as bottles. The company based in Gresik, East Java was dissolved because of ancient production tools.

The company that was declared disbanded was PT Merpati Nusantara Airlines. This airline was declared bankrupt by the judge through the decision of the Surabaya District Court. The bankruptcy decision was issued by the court on June 2, 2022 and will certainly be dissolved.

PT Merpati Airlines sendiri adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang penerbangan regional. Perusahaan ini sudah berhenti operasi sejak 2014. Bahkan sertifikat penoperasi atau Air Operator Certificate (AOC) yang jadi syarat utama bagi maskapai sudah dicabut sejak 2015.

PT Kertas Leces was declared bankrupt by the Surabaya Commercial Court on September 25, 2018, so the Government decided to dissolve the state-owned company. The company was forced to auction off assets to cover costs that had to be paid to creditors.

PT Kertas Leces is a state-owned company engaged in the paper production business that utilizes used paper and cane grounds. The company is based in Probolinggo, East Java.

The dissolution of the PANN was stated in the attachment to Presidential Decree No. 25 of 2022. The dissolution of the PANN was also mentioned by Minister Erick. PANN is considered not serious in its business. Even there are only 7 PANN employees.

PT PANN is a company engaged in the ship financing business, telecommunications and maritime navigation. PANN also served shipping in the maritime sector.

PT Istaka Karya was declared unable to make its payment obligations and was declared bankrupt. Istaka Karya's own obligation is IDR 1.08 trillion, while the company's equity is minus IDR 570 billion. The company's assets only reached IDR 514 billion. PT Istaka Karya itself is engaged in the construction sector.

That's information related to the list of SOEs that have been disbanded. To get other interesting information, visit VOI.ID.

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