
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) through the Directorate General of Land Transportation ensures that there is no delay in the ban on over-charge trucks or over-dimension overload (ODOL) 2023. The implementation of the Zero ODOL 2023 policy will no longer be delayed.

The Director General of Land Transportation of the Ministry of Transportation Hendro Sugiatno emphasized that this policy has become a joint policy between stakeholders. Starting from the Ministry of Transportation, the Ministry of PUPR, the Ministry of Industry, Korlantas to the Industrial Association.

"Until today there has been no policy regarding the revocation or delay of Zero ODOL in 2023. So in 2023 we will still implement Zero ODOL," he said in a press conference at the Ministry of Transportation's End of Year, 2022 Performance Achievements and Work Plans of the Ministry of Transportation 2023, Tuesday, December 27.

Hendro said the Zero ODOL policy would be implemented in stages. Hendro said, these stages will be formulated so that the policy can be implemented properly.

"We will implement Zero ODOL with the stages that we will formulate. How can Zero ODOL be carried out properly, but we can manage the situation properly without any turmoil," he said.

Hendro said, there was no delay in the 2023 Zero ODOL ban because the contribution of the accident from the transportation reached 12 percent. Meanwhile, 73 percent of the accidents came from motorcycles.

Hendro explained that this policy had actually been initiated since 2017. However, there is a request from the business world so that the policy is postponed until 2018. Then, the delay continues in 2019, and until now.

However, Hendro continued, during the delay, the number of trucks with excess loads did not decrease. Based on this consideration, said Hendro, it was decided that there would be no postponement of the Zero ODOL 2023 policy.

"In those delays, requests for delays were not followed by an action plan from those who wanted to postpone it. So now the ODOL position is not reduced, but has actually increased. Because the potential for accidents was 12 percent," he explained.

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