
Minister of Industry Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita said the rules for providing incentives or subsidies for purchasing electric vehicles had not yet been completed.

Agus said the rules regarding the incentives were still under discussion with all relevant parties.

"We are still finalizing the formulation, we are still finalizing the formula," he said at a press conference event & Seminar Outlook Industri 2023 entitled "Tantangangangan dan Strategi Pembangunan Industri Manufacturing 2023, di Gedung Kementerian Perindustrian, Jakarta, Selasa, 27 Desember.

In addition, Agus said, his party together with the government are still compiling the amount of budget to be issued, so that later they can get approval from the House of Representatives (DPR).

"(Regarding the budget), the government will certainly consult with the DPR, because the government is still finalizing it, of course we can't officially convey it," he said.

"What is certain is that when it comes to the budget, we must discuss it with the DPR, the DPR must agree," continued Agus.

Even so, Agus continued, the government will certainly continue to provide these incentives, in order to encourage the acceleration of the development of electricity-based industries in Indonesia.

"It is no less important why the government is pushing or wanting to accelerate this program, because Indonesia is one or trademap of the Global Community, so we have to show the world that we have a direction to accelerate reducing carbon footprint," he concluded.

Previously, the Government planned to provide incentives for every purchase of electric vehicles, both cars and motorbikes, which are produced by companies that own factories in Indonesia.

This incentive is expected to provide various benefits for the development of the electric vehicle industry.

According to the plan, the incentives to be provided for the purchase of electric cars are around Rp. 80 million, and for hybrid-based electric cars around Rp. 40 million.

Meanwhile, for the type of two-wheeled vehicle, the government will provide an incentive of around Rp. 8 million.

Then, the motor converts to an electric motorcycle, getting an incentive of around Rp. 5 million.

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