
JAKARTA - Trade Minister Zulkifli Hasan (Minister of Trade Zulhas) ensured that rice imports carried out by the government by the end of this year will not continue until the main harvest in February to March.

Zulhas said 500.000 tonnes of rice imports would arrive by a maximum of January 2023.

"Imports of 200,000 tons and 300 000 tons are until January (2023). Imports of 200,000 tons December (2022) but only entered 70,000 tons. They will enter again January (2023). I said until January. February, March, no more imports because they want to harvest," Zulhas said as quoted by Antara, Tuesday, December 27.

He said he was very strong against rice imports.

As a child of a farmer's family, he admitted that he had twice rejected the import plan in two cabinet limited meetings (ratas).

According to the Chairman of the ICMI Expert Council, based on data from the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) which stated that there was a rice surplus of up to 7 million tons. The data is said to be based on data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS).

But on the other hand, Perum Bulog stated that their rice reserve stock remains only 500,000 tons, from the ideal stock of 1.2 million tons.

At the same time, the price of rice in the market also continues to increase, even the increase reaches almost Rp1,000 per kg.

"The rice rose by Rp100 silver, the effect of inflation was very high. Moreover, it increased by Rp1,000. Even from Rp1,000, Pak Harto fell. So if the rice is related to the lives of many people, it is very strategic," said the Trade Minister.

President Jokowi also ordered Bulog to immediately absorb rice supplies in the field with the Minister of Trade and the Minister of Agriculture.

Unfortunately, although the rules have been changed because Bulog can now buy at a maximum price instead of the minimum price as before, the government has not found a supply of rice to buy.

"We look for rice, buy Rp10,000/kg, nothing. That's the second week. If you want to buy Rp6,000 per kg of unhulled rice, it doesn't exist because it hasn't been harvested, where is the grain. (Price) rice continues to rise because people know Bulog's stock is small, market confidence is disrupted," he said.

In the midst of increasingly high rice prices and non-existent supplies, President Jokowi finally decided to import rice.

"Finally, one month looking for rice, Bulog had to operate the market, only 300,000 stocks were left. Finally, it was decided to the Trade Minister, import 200,000 tons and 300,000 tons of rice by January 2023," said Zulhas.

Zulhas said he had asked Bulog to spend their supply on market operations to suppress the increase in rice prices, which until now still tends to rise.

The request was made because imported rice supplies would arrive soon.

"We ask Bulog so that the rice is spent on market operations so that it can reduce prices, which are still rising. It still tends to go up, the price of rice has not dropped. I ask to finish it. After all, it will be finished in February. Bulog is still afraid because there is no experience like us, right. If we are used to field battles, so it's normal," he said.

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