
JAKARTA - Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR), Basuki Hadimuljono emphasized the importance of education for sustainability within the ministry.

Basuki said that the encouragement in the field of education was solely carried out for the sustainability of the PUPR Ministry's organization in the future.

"I want to leave the PUPR Ministry not with big facilities or infrastructure, but with people who are competent and with integrity. We do everything with education," he said in an official statement received in Jakarta, Tuesday, December 27.

In the future, said the work of students who are currently or will carry out further education, they will continue the leadership relay at the Ministry of PUPR, so they must be prepared to compete well.

"The results will be felt in the next 10-15 years after you go to school and become a leader at the PUPR Ministry. You deserve to be grateful because this is all prepared, so you have to be ready to compete. I hope and believe the younger generation PUPR will be ready to carry out their duties in the future," he said.

"Once again, PUPR people must be strong, brave, and have an artistic spirit. Strong because they are competent and brave because they have integrity. For those who carry out learning tasks, jihad by studying. For those who are recruiting, prepare yourself well," continued Basuki.

The Ministry of PUPR continues to strive to improve the competence of ASN through education, one of which is by encouraging the younger generation of the Ministry of PUPR to continue to prepare themselves and compete in LPDP Scholarships and Foreign Donors.

Therefore, the Ministry of PUPR through the Human Resources Development Agency (BPSDM) organizes LPDP and other Foreign Donors and 2023 LPDP Scholarship Recruitment Candidates.

This year, 84 ASN of the younger generation of the Ministry of PUPR managed to get scholarships from LPDP and other foreign donor institutions.

A total of 74 students managed to get LPDP scholarships spread across nine countries, such as England, the Netherlands, the United States, Sweden, Canada, South Korea, New Zealand, and Indonesia.

In addition, there are 10 student works that get scholarships for foreign donors in Japan through JICA and World Bank, South Korea through KOICA, as well as Australia and New Zealand through New Zealand Scholarship.

Then, the Ministry of PUPR has also assigned 243 young people to participate in the LPDP scholarship selection in 2023.

The BPSDM of the Ministry of PUPR seeks to optimize the acceptance of this student's work through the briefing of prospective recruitment participants, such as TPA and TOEFL which have been carried out from November 2022 to July 2023.

mentoring is also carried out, supervising essay writing, and providing interview tests.

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