
JAKARTA - PT PLN (Persero) will implement smart meters to improve the quality of services for customers.

This is reflected in the company's steps to develop advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) services to increase the accuracy of electricity bills in recording meters in every electrical energy transaction.

Being part of the Smart Grid breakthrough, AMI will complement the digitization of PLN services on the customer side.

Previously, the company had and continued to encourage digital transformation starting from the generation, transmission and distribution side.

President Director of PT PLN (Persero) Darmawan Prasodjo said, in the last two and a half years, PLN has continued to carry out digital-based Innovation, Transformation and Efficiency.

"So for the last 2.5 years, PLN has worked hard to implement smart meters in the context of transformation as an important pillar of Smart Grid," Darmawan said in a written statement, Sunday. December 25.

To realize the Smart Grid pillar, the company is not alone. PLN has also conducted joint studies, ranging from campuses, industry, manufacturing, etc. We are building cooperation with ministries, with local governments, and associations.

The presence of Smart Grid, Darmawan continued, is PLN's commitment to maintaining the reliability of network systems and electricity infrastructure in the midst of national economic recovery.

"This is also a concrete manifestation of the company's transformation that we are making. We made breakthroughs through Smart Grids so that we can provide better supplies to all customers," said Darmawan.

The smart meter is an electronic device that has the ability to track and record the use of electricity connected to a customer's house. By using a smart meter, recording electricity consumption automatically and then sending the data to the company.

Therefore, to accelerate the implementation of Smart Meter, PLN together with the State Grid Corporate of China (SGCC), signed the AMI Managed Services (Sewa Beli) Procurement contract in Jakarta, Thursday 22 December.

This signing is carried out in the context of developing a smart meter based on AMI technology to provide a sophisticated and accurate electrical network system.

Darmawan hopes that with this collaboration, the development of a smart meter based on AMI can increase the accuracy of electricity bills and the results of reading meters.

With this improvement, it can provide efficiency for PLN and accuracy for customers.

"We will be more accountable, where the quality and quantity of data received through this technology will also be more guaranteed so that in the future it will be more efficient," added Darmawan.

President of State Grid Corporate of China, Zhang Zhigang fully supports PLN's steps in evolving into an energy transition. He agreed that in energy transformation and energy transition a digital-based network system is needed so that it is more efficient and accountable.

"This collaboration is very good for strengthening the energy security of the two countries. I believe that successful cooperation will further enhance the success of the two companies in the future," concluded Zhang Zhigang.

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