
JAKARTA - President Director of the Palm Oil Plantation Fund Management Agency (BPDPKS) Eddy Abdurachman revealed that the distribution of funds for biodiesel programs from 2015 to 2022 reached Rp144.59 trillion. The volume of biodiesel that has been distributed has reached 42.98 million kiloliters (KL).

He further explained that the biodiesel incentive program, which has been implemented since 2015, aims to maintain the stability of crude palm oil (CPO) prices, encourage national energy independence and resilience, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and foreign exchange savings originating from reduced diesel imports.

Just so you know, with the implementation of this program, the foreign exchange savings that have been carried out by BPDPKS reached IDR 299.65 trillion. Meanwhile, in terms of taxation, it managed to provide an added value of IDR 13.14 trillion.

"The government has consistently succeeded in maintaining the implementation of the mandatory biodiesel program through the pandemic and the turmoil in world oil prices, even in 2022 it has prepared for the implementation of B35," said Eddy in Jakarta, Thursday, December 22.

Eddy added, starting January 1, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) will start implementing B35 biodiesel. "The B35 program is indeed the authority of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources but the ESDM has stated that starting January 2023 B35 will be implemented," he continued.

Meanwhile, regarding the implementation of B35, he said the government had not confirmed when to start conducting B40 even though it had carried out road tests or road tests.

"We also provide support in the B40 road test and show quite good results," added Eddy.

However, regarding B40, his party will still pay attention to the amount of biodiesel production because with the implementation of B40 it will definitely require large amounts of palm oil. He projects that, with the enactment of B40, the absorption of palm oil will increase to 15 million KL while the production of biodiesel is currently still at 16 million.

"The production capacity is still being considered. Because with the enactment of B40, the volume has increased by approximately 15 million KL while the production capacity of biodiesel is approximately 16 million. The government through the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources for 2023 applies B35 first while seeing its development," concluded Eddy.

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