
JAKARTA - The Palm Oil Plantation Fund Management Agency (BPDPKS) estimates that the performance of raising funds from palm oil export levies this year is IDR 34.5 trillion. From that target, the yield is estimated at IDR 800 billion.

"The managed funds are used to carry out programs that include providing support for the mandatory biodiesel program, rejuvenation of people's palm oil, provision of palm oil facilities and infrastructure, research and development, human resource development, as well as promotional and partnership programs," said BPDPKS President Director Eddy Abdurachman at a press conference in Jakarta, Thursday, December 22.

Eddy added that the palm oil sector in Indonesia, which involves 2.4 million self-help farmers and 16 million workers, can continue to encourage gross domestic product (GDP) in the plantation sector at positive numbers. So that Indonesia's GDP in the third quarter of 2022 can grow 5.72 percent.

"This palm oil industry has contributed to government revenues, benefits for companies, employment, and increased income for small farmers," he continued.

Furthermore, Eddy explained, the performance of the People's Palm Oil Replanting (PSR) program, which is one of the flagship programs of BPDPKS, has realized an area of 273,666 Ha for 120,168 planters. The funds that have been disbursed since the beginning of this program in 2016 amounted to IDR 7.52 trillion spread across 21 provinces in Indonesia.

"The achievement in 2022 has decreased compared to the previous year, mainly due to obstacles to fulfilling the requirements for information not being in forest areas and peat protected areas and information not on the HGU land," added Eddy.

Furthermore, Eddy revealed, all priority activities carried out by BPDPKS are aimed at developing sustainable palm oil with the main aim of maintaining price stabilization and production cost efficiency.

This is done through the creation of superior product quality, supply certainty, market certainty and the availability of supporting infrastructure, especially to transform people's welfare through a sustainable palm oil industry.

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