
JAKARTA - Chief Executive of Banking Supervision of the Financial Services Authority (OJK) Dian Ediana Rae revealed that his party has finished compiling the Bank Business Plan (RBB) in 2023.

Dian said the OJK projects that credit in 2023 will grow in all sectors with the main engine of growth being the large and retail trade sector as well as the manufacturing sector with the dominance of working capital loans.

Growth is also expected to occur in Third Party Funds (DPK).

"DPK is projected to continue to grow with the highest growth in savings and Giro. In groups, credit and DPK growth is also projected to grow in all segments of the KBMI with the largest contribution to KBMI 4, while risk management is also carried out prudently," he said in a webinar in Jakarta, Tuesday, December 20.

Meanwhile, the risk of credit or Non Performing Loan (NPL) and Loan at Risk (LAR) is expected to continue to slope along with the belief that credit demand will still be sufficient.

This is in line with the belief that the Indonesian economy is relatively resilient compared to the global economy.

"We can convey that the challenges of banking next year need to be anticipated quickly and accurately. This challenge needs to be answered by previously strengthening the structure of the banking industry which I think will also take time. This strengthening needs to be done so that the mitigation carried out can answer the increasingly diverse banking management," he continued.

Dian reported, until October 2022, banking performance was maintained stable and well amid external volatility pressures with controlled credit risk.

This is shown by the improvement and growth of several main indicators such as credit growth and year on year DPK of 11.95 percent and 9.41 percent, respectively.

"Then the decline in NPL Gross to 2.72 percent and LAR to 15.48 percent yoy and solid reserves with an increase in CKPN NPL yoy to 71.34 percent," he explained.

Meanwhile, in terms of liquidity, banking intermediation is relatively good with LDR of 78 to 92 percent.

The credit for COVID-19 restructuring decreased to IDR 514.07 trillion with the number of debtors decreasing from 2.63 million to 2.55 million debtors.

"Next year's performance trend is estimated to be still positive amid increasing pressure and conditions. The trend of banking performance seems to continue to show recovery, and improvements compared to the pandemic era in line with the spread of COVID-19," concluded Dian.

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