
JAKARTA - Minister of Transportation (Menhub) Budi Karya Sumadi asked the public not to go home using motorbikes during the Christmas 2022 and New Year 2023 moments. This is because the risk of driving is greater. Based on a survey by the Transportation Policy Agency (Bakertrans) The Ministry of Transportation is around 16.35 percent or 44.17 million people who will go home. The movement of people will be dominated by private vehicles as much as 28.26 percent and motorcycles as much as 16.47 percent. Meanwhile, the most modes are still using road transportation with a total of about 67.97 percent. "For motorcycles, I ask all stakeholders, especially the Police, to pay attention to, and make an appeal not to go home on motorbikes because it is relatively less safe for safety," he said at the opening of the Nataru Transportation Post, Monday, December 19. Budi suggested that people use public transportation as an alternative option. Mainly, in the aspect of maintaining security and safety. "Fire trains, buses, planes and crossings, ships, can be a choice of choice, hopefully, we can serve it well," he said.

As previously reported, Minister Budi opened the 2022 Christmas Transportation Post and the 2023 New Year. This post will be open for 16 days. Starting from today, Monday, December 19, 2022 to January 3, 2023. Especially for sea transportation until January 8, 2023. Budi said that Christmas and New Year this time is different from the previous year, because there will be no restrictions on community mobility. "When Nataru this time is different from the previous Nataru, this time mobility movement is not limited like during the 2022 Eid period," he said.

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