
JAKARTA - Garuda Indonesia Group will gradually increase the frequency of domestic and international routes to meet the increasing demand or demand for travel during the Christmas 2022 and New Year 2023 periods. Garuda Indonesia Group itself projects that the peak season will take place from 18 December 2022 to 8 January 2023. Therefore, various efforts to optimize flight capacity readiness are carried out in line with projections for increased demand. President Director of Garuda Indonesia, Irfan Setiaputra, said Garuda Indonesia Group through full-flight services Garuda Indonesia and low-cost carriers (LC) Citilink, prepared at least 1.3 million flight seats during the peak season period of Christmas 2022 and New Year 2023. In detail, as many as 503,407 flight seats for domestic routes and 116,267 flight seats for international routes to be served by Garuda Indonesia. Meanwhile, for Citilink, at least 684,682 flight seats are prepared for domestic routes and 34,560 flight seats for international routes. Irfan said, the increase in frequency has been carried out gradually since the end period of November 2022 on a number of flight routes. Several Garuda Indonesia routes that have been optimized through increasing frequency include the Jakarta-Medan pp route which was previously served 24 times per week to 35 times per week. Then, Jakarta-Semarang pp which was previously served 11 times per week becomes 21 times per week. Then, Jakarta-Surabaya pp from those previously served 45 times per week to 50 times per week. Furthermore, Jakarta-Palembang pp from those previously served 14 times per week to 18 times per week. Then, Jakarta-Batam pp which was previously served 11 times per week to 14 per week until the Jakarta-Makassar pp flight route from previously served 27 times per week to 35 times per week. "Indonesian Garuda will also increase the frequency in several international routes to capture market opportunities in maximizing foreign tourist visits to Indonesia," he said in an official statement, Friday 16 December. There are also a number of international routes whose frequency is improved, namely Jakarta-Singapura pp which is now served as much as 21 per week. Then, Jakarta-Kukala Lumpur is served 5 times per week.

Furthermore, Jakarta-Hong Kong is served 3 times a week. Then, Jakarta-Bangkok pp is four times per week. Then, Denpasar-Sydney pp is twice per week, and Jakarta-Melbourne pp is now served twice every week. "Through the addition of flight frequency especially ahead of the season's peak period, we project that there will be passenger growth ranging from 30 percent in December 2022 when compared to passenger traffic records until November 2022," he said. Irfan said the increase in flight capacity through the addition of this flight frequency also contributed to the company's optimism for positive performance outlooks which will continue to be improved in the future. "Especially, through the alignment of the capacity base for Garuda Indonesia Group's production equipment, which we projected could reach at least 100 fleets by the end of this year," he said.

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