
JAKARTA - One of the work units under the Standardization and Industrial Services Policy Agency (BSKJI) of the Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin), namely the Banda Aceh Standardization and Industrial Services Center (BSPJI) participated in salt development in Indonesia, especially in Aceh Province.

One of the technologies developed as well as applied in the salt processing IKM sector is technology to accelerate salt production using a spray system (sprayer).

"The technology developed has been applied in two salt SMEs in Aceh Province, namely at UD Milhy Jaya Bireuen and the Aceh Besar Prosperous Business Tunas Cooperative," said Head of BSKJI Kemenperin, Doddy Rahadi, in Jakarta, Friday, December 16.

The working principle of the technology developed is to increase the young salt water (buh 10 0be) using a water pump driven by electrical power sourced from the solar panels (solar cells) through the PVC pipeline and flowed back down in the form of shower-like showers.

This process is carried out repeatedly every day according to the specified time.

This is because the size of the water dropped in the form of small grains, the water evaporation process will be more efficient.

In addition, when the water grains dropped onto the top of the geomembrane, it will cause an accumulation effect of salt water which also directly affects the acceleration of the water evaporation rate.

Mahlinda as the Head of the Team for the development of salt processing technology for this spray system said, in normal weather conditions with this spray system technology, the average increase in salt water baume reached 2 obe/day.

Meanwhile, if you don't use spray technology, the level of baume only increases by 1 obe/day.

"This can cut salt production time by 50 percent, when compared to conventional technology without using a spray system," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of BSPJI Banda Aceh, Fathullah, appreciated the assistance activities for optimizing technology that were appropriate and in the future hoped to continue to apply this technology in order to increase the competitiveness of the IKM in the salt industry, both local and national.

"We are committed to being able to provide the best facilities and services to industry players, especially the IKM sector," he said.

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