
JAKARTA - The Minister of Trade (Mendag), Zulkifli Hasan said his party was ready to anticipate if the price of eggs in the country continued to increase.

The steps to be taken by the Ministry of Trade, said Zulkifli, provide subsidies for shipping costs.

"Yes, if it continues to be expensive, we will subsidize the cost. So you don't have to worry. For example, if the eggs come from Blitar or which area and are sent to a place where, now we will bear the cost. That way, the price can go down," he said at the Ministry of Trade Office, Jakarta, Thursday, December 15. Zulhas, Zulkifli Hasan's nickname, did not deny that the price of eggs had increased ahead of the 2023 Christmas and New Year celebrations. He said, the high price was due to the increase in demand. "Indeed, it doesn't increase much anymore. Because the demand has increased. Refined, demand is not possible," he said. The increase in the price of eggs was complained by traders

As previously reported, ahead of the Christmas and New Year (Nataru) holidays, a number of basic food prices have increased.

This happened because the supplier increased prices, so that traders also adjusted the price of selling eggs to chickens.

One of the broiler eggs traders in Malabar Market, Hesi (38) complained about the price increase of Rp. 3,000. Hesi said, initially 1 per kilogram of eggs for Rp. 28,000, now it is Rp. 31,000 per kilogram.

"Yes, it has increased since two weeks ago, so it is Rp. 31,000. Previously it was still Rp. 28,000," said Suryani.

Hesi admitted that the increase in egg prices made consumers reduce the number of purchases. What usually buys 10 kilograms, now is only 8 kilograms.

"Those who shop are usually noodle stalls. They complain that the price is that much. They are also confused about it, it's for food processing. It's confused if it increases the price. But because of the need, it's bought," he said.

For your information, based on as of December 15, the price of chicken eggs increased compared to last December 1. The price of eggs at that time was still at IDR 32,000 per kilogram (kg).

The price of broiler eggs in 47 markets in DKI Jakarta is above IDR 30,000 per kg. The highest is in three markets, namely Mayestik, Tebet Barat and Paseban IDR 33,000 per kg.

Meanwhile, in other markets, such as Glodok Market, Pasar Minggu, Jatinegara Market, Cempaka Putih Market, Cipete Market, Pondok Labu Market, and Rawamangun Market, the price of broiler eggs was monitored at IDR 32,000 per kg.

Meanwhile, in other DKI Jakarta markets, the price of broiler eggs is in the range of Rp. 30,000 per kg to Rp. 31,000 per kg.

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