
PT Perusahaan Perdagangan Indonesia (PPI) held a demonstration spray to control pests on rice fields while handing over aid for Dharmabas 500 EC and Dharmafur 3 GR agricultural and pesticides, in Kalitengah Village, Mranggen District, Demak, Central Java, on Thursday 15 December.

PPI, which has a pesticide brand, namely Dharmabrand, sprayed land there through Dharmabas 500 EC products. This activity was witnessed directly by the local Farmers Group with the aim of seeing the real results of the PPI superior product test, with implementation that still pays attention to health protocols.

"Some time ago we held this event in Malang. Today we held it in Demak. We will continue to hold similar activities to help farmers at other points who need solutions in controlling pests," said Noverita Anggraeny, Head of the PPI Corporate Secretariat.

"Today's program is a program of Social and Environmental Responsibility of PT PPI, an activity that is PPI's commitment to sustainable development by providing benefits to the economy, social, environment as well as law and governance with more integrated, directed, measurable principles, and can be accounted for and is part of the company's business approach," he continued.

In addition to controlling pests, PPI also provides socialization and education to the Tani Marganing Tani, Tengahing Ambangun, Tani Sejati, and Kalining Sejati groups. These four groups are members of the Gapoktan Tani Mulyo.

Socialization and education themed Budidaya Budi and Plant Protection from Plant Disturbing Organisms. The socialization was conveyed by local PPL and POPT. Meanwhile, the submission of Dharmabrand's product knowledge was conveyed by Retno Wulansari, PPI Agriculture Production Facilities Manager.

PPI then provided agricultural equipment and insecticide assistance to Gapoktan Tani Mulyo which was symbolically handed over by Branch Manager PPI Semarang Abi Darin Branch and Head of the PPI Corporate Secretariat Noverita Anggraeny. It is hoped that this assistance can help farmer groups to facilitate land processing and also increase agricultural production.

Thus, the escort from PPI is very complete, starting from the application of spraying, the distribution of knowledge about Cultivation of Padi Crops and Plant Protection from Plant Disturbing Organisms, as well as the assistance of agricultural tools and insecticides.

"Hopefully the harvest of local farmers can increase and can be imitated by other farmers," said Branch Manager of PPI Semarang Branch, Abi Darian.

Dharmabrand PPI itself is one of the mainstay PPI products that has been present for more than 30 years. Dharmabrand is an agricultural support product so that its development will continue to be carried out better, especially in continuing the transformation of trading in Food Holding.

In the near future, PPI will launch a new product of Dharmatomil 40 SP which is a systemic insecticide made from metomils to control pests on horticultural plants.

"Dharmabrand grew because of farmers. Farmers enable us to grow and the loyalty of farmers is very valuable for us, spur our enthusiasm to always innovate, adapt ourselves, and provide the best service whatever the conditions are," concluded Abi Darian.

The efforts made by PPI are in line with the direction of SOE Minister Erick Thohir who wants to grow the economy of farmers, as well as make them prosperous and therefore the active presence of the government and state-owned companies engaged in the food industry is needed.

Erick Thohir paid high attention to the welfare of farmers in the country and saw that the national agricultural sector had great potential that could continue to be developed again.

"Indonesia has good agricultural potential to be developed for the welfare of farmers," said Erick Thohir.

To realize this, a supportive ecosystem is needed so that the agricultural sector can develop rapidly and be able to make farmers more prosperous.

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