
JAKARTA - President Director of PT PLN (Persero), Darmawan Prasodjo has been named CEO of The Year. This award was given for his leadership in transforming services within PLN through digitization, business and financial growth strategies and orientation in sustainability so as to increase customer satisfaction.

In addition, PLN also won the 2022 Excellent Service and Digital Transformation award as an appreciation for the business transformation carried out by PLN so that it was able to make a big contribution to the country.

The award was handed over by the Editor-in-Chief of CNBC Indonesia, Wahyu Daniel and CEO of Detik Network, Abdul Aziz to the President Director of PLN, Darmawan Prasodjo and witnessed by the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises, Erick Thohir and CEO of CT Corp, Chairul Tanjung at the 2022 CNBC Indonesia Awards in Jakarta, Monday (12/12).

Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN), Erick Thohir, who is also the recipient of the The Best Minister of CNBC Indonesia Award 2022, said that this award was the result of the hard work of commissioners and directors at BUMN. Erick said that it would not be possible that everything would go well without humans and a capable system.

"It is impossible for the transformation of SOEs to occur if humans and systems are not good. This is a good step for us to continue to maintain the transformation of this SOE," explained Erick.

On the same occasion, the President Director of PLN, Darmawan Prasodjo, expressed his gratitude for the two awards given at the event. He received this award thanks to the direction given by the Minister of SOEs to make digitali-based breakthroughs in the PLN business process.

"It seems that this award has the wrong address, it should be addressed to the Minister of SOEs, Mr. Erick. Because we received directions from him who was extraordinary. Thanks to his direction and leadership to coordinate SOEs and orchestrate strategic steps, PLN can get this appreciation," said Darmawan Prasodjo.

In the midst of a pandemic, PLN carried out a transformation. The business process that was previously static, and backward looking was changed to dynamic and forward looking. The business process, which used to be manual, is now digitalized end to end. PLN digitizes from generation, transmission, distribution. Digitalization is also carried out in planning systems, financial systems, payment systems, procurement systems, to customer service systems.

"Today's PLN is much healthier than PLN 3 years ago. The electricity system is much more reliable. The financial system is much healthier," said Darmawan.

He added that when many companies fell, PLN actually managed to achieve the best financial performance in history. Even PLN managed to make debt payments faster, resulting in significant cost saving from year to year.

Massive transformations were also carried out within the body of PLN which prioritized the aspect of service excellence. In the past, PLN customer services were complicated, manual, slow. The previous version of PLN Mobile application only received a rating of 2.5. The number of downloaders was only 500 thousand, while 450 thousand were uninstalled.

"Now, please check the Playstore. PLN Mobile has a rating of 4.8, with a downloader of 35 million. The comments column is full of praise and appreciation. And we managed to achieve this in less than a year. We are doing this all-out only for one goal, namely the best service for all Indonesian people," said Darmawan.

With the direction of the Minister of SOEs, transformation is also carried out by changing the structure of the company's organization through holdings. This step makes the PLN business process much more effective and efficient. Asset utilization becomes much more optimal.

"The assets of PLN that were previously in disarray are now consolidated. Our manufacturing management business process is simple. The utilization of assets that were not yet maximized, we optimize. We also consolidate primary energy management. Primary energy procurement not only increases reliability, but also also builds large value creation for PLN," concluded Darmawan Prasodjo.

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