
JAKARTA - Secretary of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf) Ni Wayan Giri Adnyani said that the health and hygiene aspects are considerations for tourists to visit or buy a tour package.

"In the past, the price was the first aspect for some tourists to decide whether to come or buy packages, but with the COVID-19 pandemic we experienced, this aspect shifted," Giri said in the webinar "New Paradigm of Indonesia Tourism Industry Trend 2023" with online, Tuesday, December 13.

Furthermore, Giri added, outdoor activities and aspects of sustainability are also decisive for tourists to make decisions in terms of visiting.

Giri also said that research has shown that tourists do not mind paying more expensively, if the intended destination has concern for environmental sustainability and environmental conservation issues.

According to studies, tourists even want to participate in environmental issues.

"Therefore, the government's program regarding CHSE, namely certification related to cleanliness, safety, and environmental sustainability, is very much in line with existing needs or trends," explained Giri.

According to Giri, tourists are now paying more attention to health problems and taking advantage of digitalization, including services with minimal direct contact or touchless services and the use of devices.

"The problem of touchless services and health and safety is the main thing. Then, the problem of sustainability is also a concern for all," he said.

Therefore, he predicts that later the main driving force for a person's decision to travel is quality factors, either from full awareness or mindfulness, culture, and quality travel accommodation arrangements.

Not only that, said Giri, as the COVID-19 pandemic is increasingly being handled, domestic tourists continue to increase.

In 2021, there will be around 603 million trips with the most tourist movements on the island of Java, including Jakarta and Banten.

"Based on gender, dominating men, the age group is 25-34 years. The purpose of the trip is to visit friends or family, then vacation and recreation," he said.

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