
JAKARTA - The government through the Ministry of Transportation announced that there are no restrictions on community mobility during the Christmas 2022 and New Year 2023 (Nataru) holidays. However, there are several things that must be considered by the public who want to travel. Minister of Transportation (Menhub) Budi Karya Sumadi emphasized, although there is no restriction on mobility on Nataru this year, it is necessary to understand that the COVID-19 pandemic is not over yet. Therefore, Budi said to ensure that Nataru's transportation runs smoothly, safely and safely, the Ministry of Transportation will establish a general policy of transportation implementation during the Nataru period. Budi explained the policy based on Circular (SE) of the COVID-19 Handling Task Force number 24 and Addendum SE 25 and Inmendagri number 48 of 2022. "The COVID-19 pandemic is still not over, therefore we pay attention to health protocols in accordance with travel regulations both from the COVID task force and the Minister of Home Affairs' instructions," he said in a meeting with Commission V of the DPR, Tuesday, December 13. First, said Budi, his party will ensure the readiness of transportation facilities and infrastructure. Considering that the Nataru holiday this time coincides with school holidays. So it is certain that there will be a surge in public mobility. Based on the results of the Ministry of Transportation Research Agency (BKT) survey, Nataru's national movement potential is 44.17 million or 16 percent of the total Indonesian population who will travel. This figure is higher than 2021, which grew 13 percent, but lower than 2019, namely 55 percent. "Secondly, conducting socialization to passenger transport operators and goods, so we ask them to understand what to do," said Budi.

This is considering that the movement of people during the Nataru holiday period will be dominated by 28.26 percent private cars. Then, followed by motorcycles with 16.47 percent, trains as much as 13.42 percent, bus transportation modes as much as 11.90 percent, aircraft 11.02 percent and ships 2 percent. "Thirdly, inspections (ramp checks) to ensure the feasibility of transportation facilities and infrastructure," he said. Budi said, the Ministry of Transportation will also implement traffic management and engineering on toll roads and non-toll roads. For example, contraflow, one way, as well as operational restrictions on goods. "Later we give full authority to Korlantas to implement traffic management and engineering on toll roads and non-toll roads," he explained. Fifth, said Budi, the Ministry of Transportation will also conduct socialization to the community massively. Especially related to the implementation of strict health protocols and the use of the PeduliLindung application on all modes of transportation. "This is important based on this socialization experience is well heard by the public," he said.

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