
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Transportation through the Directorate General of Railways has denied that it will remove the Argo Parahyangan long-distance train when the Jakarta Bandung High Speed Train (KCJB) officially operates.

Acting Director General of Railways Risal Wasal emphasized that his party had not planned to remove the Argo Parahyangan train. The reason is because the route that is passed is different from the KCJB.

"Nothing, our government has not planned in the near future to stop Argo Parahyangan, not because the route is different," he said when met at the Ministry of Transportation, Monday, December 12.

Furthermore, Risal explained, the Argo Parahyangan train passes through several areas, even tourism areas. Meanwhile, KCJB only stopped at four points.

"The competitions have stopped at several points. Meanwhile, the high-speed trains only stop at four points, Halim, Karawang, Padalarang, and Tegalluar. Meanwhile, Argo Parahyangan enters many different areas, there are even tourist areas," he said.

Therefore, said Risal, the Ministry of Transportation has no plans to abolish the operation of the Argo Parahyangan train.

He said he would see how the Argo Parahyangan and KCJB trains walked together.

"This is different, the market share is different, the route is different, the target is different. We don't have to guess, we'll study it first, we'll see the conditions. The important thing is that the first road is Parahyangan, the first way is the Fast Train, we'll see the respective market share," he explained.

As is known, recently news has emerged that Argo Parahyangan's train will be stopped when KCJB officially operates.

The government is currently speeding up the completion of the KCJB project. This is because the KCJB is targeted to operate in June 2023.

Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir opened his voice regarding the news of the termination of the Argo Parahyangan train (KA).

He said the termination would depend on government policies, in this case the Ministry of Transportation.

"I think it's back that the policy regarding trains and others is with the Minister of Transportation (Budi Karya Sumadi)," he told reporters, written Tuesday, December 6.

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