
JAKARTA - The holding of BUMN Aviation and Tourism, PT Aviasi Wisata Indonesia (Persero) or InJourney opens two alternatives to integrate the business of PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) or AP I and PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) or AP II. The options are the merger and establishment of Subholding Airport Co.

InJourney's President Director, Dony Mardia explained, the two options will be chosen, one of which.

The selection was carried out after the process of equalizing the two state-owned airport operators.

Dony said, the equalization process is related to commercial, policy, standard operating policy to organizational structure. "We will compare this first, if it is equally young for us to think about which alternative is the best, whether merger and acquisition, we can also form Co operating on it as a subholding that we call Airport Co," he said at the Ministry of SOEs, Jakarta, Monday, December 12.

After the equalization is carried out, said Dony, InJourney together with the Ministry of SOEs will determine one alternative to the two options that have been launched.

As for the first option, AP I and AP II businesses will be merged into one company or through an acquisition scheme between the two companies.

While the second option is to form a Subholding Airport Co which will manage and directly control all state-owned airports in the country.

Dony said, airport businesses managed by AP I and AP II need to be integrated so that Indonesia has strong airport operations and is able to compete in the global arena.

According to him, this effort is also to bring in the number of traffic and tourists in the country.

"So we don't want to do this process half-and-one and partially, we also don't want to do it per airport, airport. But we first integrate our airport, so that Indonesia has one reliable airport operating," he said.

In addition, Dony ensures that he will look for strategic partners or foreign investors to jointly advance the state-owned airport business. "So we have a strong Airport Co first, after AP I and AP II are strong, then we will think about what kind of partnerships provide the best benefits for Indonesia," he said.

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