
SURABAYA - Deputy Governor of East Java Emil Elestianto Dardak said the contribution of economic growth from the local province to countries in ASEAN reached 7 percent.

"Indonesia in 2040 will become the top four countries in the geopolitical and economic organizations in the Southeast Asian region. So it is certain that half of ASEAN's economy will rely on Indonesia. We can become leaders in the ASEAN region," said Deputy Governor Emil as quoted by Antara, Saturday, December 10.

Not long ago, Deputy Governor Emil attended a meeting of leaders of regional governments throughout ASEAN in Phnom Phen, Cambodia.

During the meeting, Emil calculated that East Java's economic contribution in ASEAN countries reached 7 percent.

By looking at the projection that in 2040 Indonesia will become the top four countries in ASEAN, the husband of artist Arumi Bachsin is encouraged to make East Java the gateway to the economy in Southeast Asia.

"Every time I meet representatives from a foreign country, I often say, let's make East Java a gateway to ASEAN. The trick is to seize ASEAN markets," he said.

Deputy Governor Emil believes that East Java will be able to seize the market in ASEAN countries. According to him, now is the right moment to explore the market of ASEAN countries.

"Because now is a very strategic position, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, which has started to slow down," he said.

Emil emphasized that the East Java Provincial Government is trying to fix infrastructure as much as possible through Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 80 of 2019 concerning the Acceleration of Economic Development in the Gresik-Bangkalan-Mojokerto-Surabaya-Sidoarjo-Lamongan, Bromo Areas, Tengger-Semeru, as well as the Wilis and South Cross Seiling Areas.

"We are encouraging the development of industrial estates. Toll roads are connected to Solo, Probolinggo and Malang. Then there is road widening that will be carried out from the direction of Surabaya to Manyar, Gresik. It is hoped that all of these developments can increase infrastructure competitiveness," he said.

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