
Member of Commission VII DPR RI Mulyanto urged the new leadership of SKK Migas (Earth Oil and Gas Business Activity Implementation Unit) who had just been inaugurated by the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) to boost the oil 1 million BPH (barrel per day) program in 2030.

He hopes that the target can be achieved because the target figure has been adjusted to the capabilities and conditions of the existing oil and gas reserves.

Don't be like it is today, the government only has 1 million barrels of oil jargon, but the fact is that every year the lifting target continues to decline to around 600 thousand BPH. Meanwhile, the realization of the target is also not one hundred percent achieved. This means that our lifting target is not close to 1 million BPHs, but even away from it. This is contradictory, strange magic bins," he said in an official statement, Friday, December 9.

Mulyanto added that the new SKK Migas leadership should also proactively review carefully related to the revision of the Oil and Gas Law. Don't be like now where the government seems to be plin-plan in carrying out the Constitutional Court's order to revise this Oil and Gas Law, especially related to the institutions of the Hulu Migas Implementing Body.

This oil and gas decree is a temporary institution. However, it has been maintained for almost 10 years. This is a matter of legal certainty in the oil and gas sector. So don't be surprised if this question is suspected to be one of the causes of the departure of oil and gas giant investors such as Conoco Philip, Chevron, Shell, and others from Indonesia," continued Mulyanto.

He continued, in the midst of the oil and gas industry which is getting worse when pressed by new and renewable energy (EBT), as well as Indonesia's imports which are still high when prices soar, the government should immediately formulate a grand design of future oil and gas development strategies, including questions about its institutions.

"If not, we will continue to be suburban actors who are dependent on the turbulence of the dynamics of the strategic environment," said Mulyanto.

As previously reported, Indonesian President Joko Widodo officially appointed Dwi Soetjipto as Head of SKK Migas for the 2022-2026 period. Through this appointment, Dwi Soetjipto also extended his term of office as Head of SKK Migas for the 2022-2026 period.

Previously, Dwi Soetjipto served as Head of SKK Migas since the 2018-2022 period. Dwi Soetjipto replaced the role of Amien Sunaryadi who retired as Head of SKK Migas on 20 November 2018 ago.

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