
JAKARTA - Ahead of the Christmas and New Year's (Nataru) 2023 holidays, the frequency of flights will increase from usual. Therefore, the Ministry of Transportation through the Directorate General of Civil Aviation ensures that aspects of air transportation safety have been fulfilled through ramp checks or aircraft inspections. Plt. Director General of Civil Aviation, Maria Kristi Endah Murni, said the ramp check is an important process to ensure air transportation safety. Based on existing data, the number of air transportation passengers during the Nataru holiday in 2022 is predicted to reach 3.62 million passengers, 52.7 percent larger than last year. Furthermore, Kristi said the increase in the number of passengers was due to no mobility restriction rule on the Nataru administration this year. "Aircraft inspection is carried out to verify compliance with standards and regulations set by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), which was carried out on a schedule by a team of inspectors from the Airworthiness and Aircraft Operations Directorate (DKPPU)," he said in an official statement, Friday, December 9. Kristi also said, the Directorate General of Air Transportation (Ditjen Hubud) will conduct inspections of aircraft that are currently registered and have certificates to operate or are called Air Operator Certificate (AOC). "As of November 2022, the serviceable aircraft are 367 aircraft in AOC 121 and 223 aircraft in AOC 135. This aircraft is ready to serve the needs of the community on the Nataru holiday later," he said.

Sebagai informasi, AOC 121 adalah sertifikat yang diberikan kepada pesawat berkapasitas di atas 30 tempat. Sedangkan AOC 135 merupakan sertifikat yang diberikan kepada pesawat bersapasitas dibawah 30 tempat.Pada periode libur Nataru, kata Kristi, pihaknya akan melakukan ramp check terschedulan pada 38 bandara di Indonesia. Pengecekan tersebut akan dimulai mulai 21 Desember 2022 hingga 2 Januari 2023. Adapun pengecekan akan dilaksanakan oleh tim dari DKPPU dan Kantor Otoritas Bandaran I (OBU) Wilayah I sampai dengan wilayah X. "Kami juga akan berkoordinasi terus terus dengan penyelenggara pengerangan penandarasi dan maskapai terkait ramp check ini untuk menjamintkan kelancaraan serta meningkatkan pemenemuan aspek keselamanan pengamatan penerbangan pada masa libur Nataru nanti," katanya.

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