
JAKARTA Bank Indonesia (BI) reported that based on a survey conducted last month, it was found that the Consumer Confidence Index (IKK) in November 2022 was at the level of 119.1.

Head of the BI Communication Department Erwin Haryono said the figure was included in the optimistic category because it exceeded the minimum amount of 100.

For information, the November 2022 score turned out to be lower than the October 2022 achievement which was at the level of 120.3.

"This indicates consumer confidence in economic conditions is maintained," he said in a written statement on Thursday, December 8.

According to Erwin, the maintaining of consumer optimism in November 2022 was supported by the strong Consumer Expectation Index (IEK) and the current Economic Condition Index (IKE).

"The expectations of consumers in the future remain strong, supported mainly by expectations of income and job availability," he said.

In the editorial search, the IEK and IKE index also experienced the same thing by recording a decline.

It was stated that the Consumer Expectation Index and the Economic Condition Index in November 2022 were 127.9 and 110.3, respectively.

That level is lower than the Consumer Expectation Index and Economic Condition Index in October 2022 which amounted to 128.3 and 112.3.

"IKE is still recorded in an optimistic area, although it has decreased slightly, in line with the current decline in the income index, the availability of employment opportunities, as well as the purchase of durable goods," he said.

To note, based on publications released by the IMF, it is stated that the 2023 economic projection will be heavier than 2022.

This is reflected in the estimated economic growth next year which is only 2.5 percent of this year's 3.2 percent.

This condition of not wearing cannot be separated from the confidence in the economic slowdown of developed countries, especially America, China, and the European region which are currently facing a recession threat.

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