
YOGYAKARTA In this world there are hundreds of currencies that are used as a means of exchanging goods and services. Each currency has its own value. Then, which country has the highest currency in the world?

Currently, there are at least 180 currencies recognized by the United Nations (UN). Meanwhile, a largely traded currency in the world is the US Dollar (USD). However, there are some eyes that have the highest value in the world, namely as follows.

Kuwait is not only the largest exporting oil country in the world, but is the country with the highest currency. The currency it owns is the Kuwaiti Dinar or KWD. The magnitude of Kuwait's influence on the world oil industry has made the value of its currency soar. Based on Google Finance data, when this article was written, 1 KWD was equivalent to IDR 50,904.

Bahrain is also known as a rich country because of its exports of natural products. In the oil and gas sector, Bahrain received wealth from petroleum exports worth more than 69 billion US dollars. Bahrain's wealth also strengthens its currency and makes it one of the most expensive currencies. Based on Google Finance data, when this article was written, 1 BHD was equivalent to Rp41,441.

Maybe some people are still foreign hearing OMR's currency. The currency is owned by the state of Oman. The country is also rich in oil which makes it one of the largest oil and gas exporting countries. Oman is also an attractive country for investors. In addition, Oman managed to maintain the currency value for more than 50 years. Based on Google Finance data, when this article was written, 1 OMR was equivalent to Rp40,578.

Jordan is one of the countries that has managed to maintain the value of its currency well. Whereas the country is economically not as advanced as its neighboring country in the Middle East. However, the currency value is called the most stable. Money Inc. said that the high value of the JOD currency was the result of a government policy product that limited the value of their currency. Based on Google Finance data, when this article was written, 1 JOD was equivalent to Rp22,023.

POD is an official currency owned by the United Kingdom. Poundsterling is also a currency that is widely traded in foreign currencies with other currencies, namely Dollar America, Yen, and Euro. The high value of the GBP is due to its high interest rate. The higher the interest rate of a country, the more interested investors are in the currency. Based on Google Finance data, when this article was written, 1 GDP was equivalent to IDR 19,074.

KYD or the Cayman Islands Dollar is a currency owned by the United Kingdom. The country is known as a country that is very attractive to investors because it has various advantages in the financial sector, especially taxation. Based on Google Finance data, when this article was written, 1 KYD was equivalent to IDR 18,649.

That's information related to the highest currency in the world. To get other interesting information, visit VOI.ID.

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