
JAKARTA Bank Indonesia (BI) and the Nahdlatul Ulama Executive Board (PBNU) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (NK) related to joint efforts to accelerate the development of sharia economy and finance.

BI Governor Perry Warjiyo said the collaboration that was established was a form of the commitment of both parties to jointly support and create a conducive climate for sharia economic development in Indonesia.

"This continues the previous collaboration that has been carried out with a number of groups such as Islamic organizations and associations, including PP Muhammadiyah in September 2021, and in the future, cooperation with various parties or other mass organizations will continue to be developed," he said in a press statement, Monday, December 5.

According to Perry, there are three important aspects in collaborating with PBNU. First, economic development through an ecosystem that focuses on empowering the economy of the people based on the pesantren community.

"The ecosystem is expected to be able to compete competitively both at the national and global levels," he added.

Second, sharia financial development including the management of zakat, infaq, shadaqah, and productive waqf for the economic empowerment of the people.

"And the third is the Islamic economic and financial aid that continues to be carried out, including the implementation of the Sharia Financial Economy Festival at the regional level and the Indonesia Sharia Economic Festival at the national and international levels," he stressed.

On the same occasion, General Chairperson of the Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) Executive Board, Yahya Cholil Staquf, also expressed his support for Bank Indonesia's efforts to encourage strengthening economic capacity among Islamic boarding schools and hoped that this collaboration could encourage the acceleration of the Islamic economy and finance.

"We express our appreciation for Bank Indonesia for the realization of the cooperation between the two parties," he said.

He explained that currently PBNU is also preparing a big design related to the development of the economic agenda within NU.

"Of course we all hope that in the future this agenda can be integrated with sharia economic development programs at Bank Indonesia to achieve the benefit and welfare of the people," said Yahya.

It is stated that the inauguration of BI's cooperation with PBNU is considered very strategic to strengthen the halal industry, especially halal MSMEs in the food/drinking and fashion sector, the expansion of the acceptance of payment instruments and others.

This collaboration is also expected to increase the involvement of BI representative offices in the regions as well as various Nahdlatul Ulama organizational apparatus institutions, especially in the field of developing Islamic boarding schools, managing waqf, economic development, and developing research and research.

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