
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) has managed to produce 399 quality Human Resources (HR) in the textile sector, which is one of the labor-intensive industries and is the backbone of the national economy this year.

"Industrial human resources play an important role in supporting the performance of the national industry and maintaining the industrial sector's contribution to GDP which currently reaches 17.88 percent and is the largest compared to other sectors," said Secretary General of the Ministry of Industry, Dody Widodo, in a statement, Monday, December 5.

Dody said graduates are people who are ready to work in their fields, become the backbone of the Indonesian textile industry which provides an important part of the development of the manufacturing sector, and the Indonesian economy from year to year.

The existence of competent and global competitive human resources is the main key to encouraging the re-moving of the industrial sector.

Therefore, the Ministry of Industry seeks to improve the quality of industrial human resources through industrial vocational education.

The key to the success of organizing vocational education is cooperation with industry in producing graduates who can directly work in industry.

The Bandung STTT Polytechnic is a polytechnic college owned by the Ministry of Industry and is a work unit under the Ministry of Industry's Industrial Human Resources Development Agency (BPSDMI).

A total of 399 industrial human resources graduated, consisting of 80 graduates of the program equivalent to diploma 1, 290 graduates of the Diploma 4 Program, and 29 graduates of the Applied Masters Program.

A total of 295 graduates have worked, and 32 people have become entrepreneurs.

"This means that at this graduation, graduates of the Bandung STTT Polytechnic have been absorbed by 82 percent in the world of work," explained Dody.

The percentage of vocational education graduates who get a job one year after graduation of 85 percent is one indicator of work from the strategic target of the Ministry of Industry based on the level of perspective of stakeholders.

Meanwhile, the absorption of graduates from the STTT3 Bandung Polytechnic reached 100 percent with a waiting time for graduates of less than seven months, which means that the target of the 2022 Performance Determination (TAPKIN) for graduate absorption is achieved.

On the same occasion, the Head of BPSDMI of the Ministry of Industry, Arus Gunawan, said that the Ministry of Industry continues to encourage the availability of competent industrial human resources to pursue the needs of the industrial sector.

It is projected that the need for industrial human resources every year reaches 682,000 people.

In order to meet these needs, the Ministry of Industry continues to collaborate with national vocational stakeholders.

Director of Polytechnic STTT Bandung Tina Martina said that the industrial demand for graduates of the Bandung STTT Polytechnic in 2022 has reached 592 vacancies.

"Meanwhile, this year we can only pass 399 graduates. This means that the need for textile industry human resources is still high," he added.

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