
JAKARTA - The earthquake that occurred in Cianjur last week, November 21, made an impression on the victim's mind. In the midst of fear and worry, there are also parties who must continue to provide services to the community. This was felt by several PLN personnel who were also victims of the Cianjur earthquake with a magnitude of 5.6, namely Nurul Setyorini.

At that time, employees in the Finance and General Section of PLN Cianjur, were attending a meeting when their office was on the 2nd floor. Reflection, he and other employees went down and gathered in the yard.

The walls of the office were damaged and several times felt a shock. His cell phones were busy, various messages and calls came in, looking for the condition of himself and PLN Cianjur.

While answering these messages, the mother of one immediately contacted the house to ensure the condition of the child who was 3 years old. Alhamdulillah, my child survived even though the house was damaged, the back room ceiling collapsed. That night I did not go home, still in the office supporting technical partners who started to restore electricity supply," he said.

Together with another PLN colleague, Nurul stayed at the office. He slept at the security post, one of the rooms that was deemed safe from the impact of the earthquake.

The challenge began to be felt at night, Nurul and other PLN personnel had to provide food for hundreds of PLN officers in the field. The city of Cianjur has not yet recovered, making him have to rack his brain. Luckily, support from the surrounding PLN unit came.

"I coordinated with PLN around Cianjur. That night we received personnel support and food supply from PLN Cimahi. Furthermore, PLN Sukabumi, Gunung Putri, Bogor, Karawang and Bandung took turns helping provide food for officers," he explained.

Nurul is not alone. Hendi Maulana also felt the impact of the earthquake. The man who has worked at PLN for 18 years is conducting a field review in the hospital area when the earthquake occurred.

Hendi said that he, the PDKB team (Work in Voltage Conditions), was carrying out a jumper security work. "Alhamdulillah, personnel have dropped off the post during the earthquake," he said.

After making sure the work was done, Hendi went home and met family members. He said that his house wall shifted and the roof of the building was damaged.

"That afternoon, my neighbors and I immediately built temporary shelters. The family temporarily lived in Bandung, only me and my first child remained in Cianjur," he explained.

After ensuring the family is safe, this 39-year-old man immediately rejoined the PLN team for electricity recovery. Hendi knows very well, his contribution is highly anticipated by PLN customers.

I participated in the normalization of electricity given the magnitude of the earthquake impact on the network. I rarely see the condition of the house because I focus on repairing the poles that were affected by the earthquake. Usually, I call the child to make sure his condition and home are good. During this week I was on standby at the office, "he added.

This natural disaster does leave sorrow and sadness for all victims. For this reason, PLN people know very well that the existence of electricity supply will help ease the burden. Recovering the affected electricity infrastructure is not easy, but with all the efforts together it feels lighter.

The cooperation and hard efforts of officers bear fruit where 100 percent of the PLN electricity system affected by the earthquake on Tuesday, (22/11) at 23.05 WIB were successfully restored. The electricity supply to 326,028 customers returned to normal in less than 36 hours.

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