
JAKARTA - The President Director of the State Electricity Company (Persero) or PLN, Darmawan Prasodjo, said the State Capital Participation (PMN) was able to increase the electrification ratio of PLN and the ratio of electrified villages. As is known, PLN has proposed a PMN of IDR 10 trillion for 2023.

In 2021, said Darmawan, PLN's electrification ratio will reach 97.26 percent and with the presence of PMN, PLN's electrification ratio will increase to 97.49 percent in October 2022.

Furthermore, Darmawan said that PLN targets the electrification ratio of PLN to reach 97.81 percent by 2023, provided there is funding or PMN from the state to the company.

"Then it will increase to 97.53 percent in December 2022. And 97.81 percent in 2023", he said in a meeting with Commission VI of House of Representatives (DPR), Monday, November 28.

Meanwhile, said Darawan, the ratio of PLN-electrified villages in 2021 will be at 90.78 percent. However, with the PMN, Darmawan revealed that the percentage ratio of electrified villages would be 90.97 percent in October 2022.

Furthermore, Darmawan said PMN was able to increase the ratio of electrified villages. Because of that, he

also projects its value to reach 93.83 percent by the end of this year.

"Therefore, we once again express our gratitude and appreciation for the full support of Commission VI of the DPR in realizing equal distribution of services in remote parts of Indonesia. PMN is used to increase the electrification ratio", he said.

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