
JAKARTA - Biofarma's IndoVac vaccine, which was inaugurated by Indonesian President Joko Widodo on October 13, 2022, was declared ready for use in the second booster of the Covid-19 vaccine.

This is based on Circular Number HK.02.02/C/5565/2022 concerning the 2nd COVID-19 Vaccination Booster for Elderly Groups issued on November 22, 2022 from the Indonesian Ministry of Health.

Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin said booster vaccination is very important considering the increasing number of COVID-19 cases in hospitals.

The cases of COVID-19 that were admitted to the hospital and the cases were classified as moderate and severe, 74 percent had not been 'boostered'. For cases that died, in the last wave 84 percent had not been 'boostered', so for the public please be reminded to quickly 'boostered'," Budi told the media, Friday, November 25.

Present on the same occasion, Bio Farma President Director Honesti Basyir said, to support the provision of a second booster vaccine for the elderly, Bio Farma will produce at least five million doses of the IndoVac vaccine by the end of 2022.

"We will prepare the IndoVac vaccine for the elderly group booster. The production process has been carried out since the issuance of EUA for the primary dose at the end of September 2022, at least, we will produce as many as five million doses, by the end of 2022," said Honesti.

Honesti continued that IndoVac could encourage the coverage of the use of booster vaccines, which only reached 36 percent.

"We hope that with the issuance of a Circular Letter from the Ministry of Health, the IndoVac vaccine can help achieve the target of the COVID-19 booster vaccine in Indonesia, especially for the elderly," he continued.

Just so you know, this booster provision needs to be done, to provide additional protection for the elderly group which is quite continuous in the Covid-19 virus attack, and most importantly to reduce severity, even deaths from COVID-19.

The second booster dose of vaccination for the elderly can be done in health care facilities.

Before getting the EUA Booster, the Indovac vaccine, which was inaugurated by the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo on October 13, 2022, had already received the EUA first for the primary dose, at the end of September 2022.

At almost the same time, IndoVac has officially obtained Fatwa and Halal Decree from the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI), thus the IndoVac vaccine has met safe and halal criteria.

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