
PT PLN (Persero) is ready to support the national tourism industry by presenting the reliability of electricity supply. One of them is evidenced by PLN's efforts to participate in the success of the 2022 Sail Tidore which was centered on Tugulufa Beach, Tidore Islands City, North Maluku Province.

PLN Distribution Director Adi Priyanto said PLN always strives to maintain the reliability of electricity supply in the country. With the reliability of electricity supply, Sail Tidore 2022 can be used to encourage the national tourism industry, especially in the eyes of the international community.

PLN is ready to oversee Sail Tidore 2022. We are preparing a strategy to ensure the reliability of electricity supply is present during the implementation of this international tourism agenda," he said, in a written statement, quoted on Friday, November 25.

Sahil Tidore is an international shipping activity that invites international seafarers. The event, which will be attended directly by President Joko Widodo, will be held on November 24-29, 2022, with the theme Tidore: World Heritage City, Bangkat Nations. This international tourist agenda is the 12th event.

To support the implementation of Sail Tidore 2022, Adi continued, PLN has 100 personnel on standby and is supported by 15 operational cars. Meanwhile, the Ternate-Tidore electricity system has a capable capacity of 44.11 megawatts (MW), projected that the peak load during the implementation of the 2022 Said Tidore will reach 42.5 Mega Watt (MW). So there will be a power reserve of 1.6 MW.

PLN also provides electrical mobile equipment such as 1 unit of generator 250 kVA, 3 units of generator 140 kVA, 2 units of generator 60 kVA, 1 unit of uninterruptible power supply (UPS) Mobile 250 kVA, 2 units of UPS Mobile 100 kVA, 2 units of mobile generators (UGB) 400 kVA, 3 units of UGB 250 kVA and 3 units of automatic transfer switch (ATS).

This supporting infrastructure will supply backup events with the main supply in the form of an existing PLN network. This step is prepared to maintain electricity without flickering during the 2022qil Tidore event," he added.

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