
JAKARTA - The Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, KH Ma'ruf Amin as the Daily Chair of KNEKS, stated that Indonesia has a vision of becoming the world's Center for Halal Product Industry in 2024.

In line with this, Deputy Head of the Halal Industry Agency of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) Aman Suparman said, 2024 will also be a critical point for the halal industry because it will face various challenges.

With a total spending of up to 2 trillion US dollars, Aman continued, the halal industry should be connected and integrated with Islamic finance.

In front of the Retail Banking Director of Bank Syariah Indonesia Ngatari, he asked Islamic banks to provide support with products for the halal industry such as working capital needs.

"If I may, the halal industry is supported by Islamic banks such as working capital needs. The products are already very good but can be explored again for halal industries, especially working capital needs," he said at the Sharia Economic and Financial Outlook Seminar in Jakarta, Thursday, November 24.

The second challenge facing the halal industry is the obstacle in managing halal certification. According to him, with the entry of the halal industry, many people have started to pay attention to the logo and halal certificates on the products offered, but business actors are still difficult to manage halal certification.

"Currently, there is a Halal Product Guarantee Administration Agency (BPJPH) which has set an extraordinary target of 10 million halal certifications. The business world is happy but still 47.000 have been certified. This is an obstacle," he concluded.

Based on its monitoring, many entrepreneurs have proposed halal dertificates but it has taken up to months and has not been issued.

Previously, Ma'ruf Amin also asked BPJPH to carry out a ball pick-up action to MSMEs so that the halal certification rate increased. Based on KNEKS data, BPJPH has issued 47,318 halal certifications to more than 756,866 halal products with 30 Halal Inspection Institutions (LPH), 115 Halal Product Process Assistance Institutions (PPH) and 19,408 PPH assistants.

As stipulated in regulations, the PPH or Halal Product Process itself is a series of activities to ensure halal products that include the provision of materials, processing, storage, packaging, distribution, sales, and presentation of products. \

PPH assistance is an activity to assist UMK players in fulfilling halal product requirements, in order to carry out the obligation of halal certification. PPH assistance is carried out by Islamic community organizations or Islamic religious institutions that are legal entities and/or universities.

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