
JAKARTA - After going through a pandemic period in the last two years, many people are competing to find additional income in order to improve the economy which had declined.

One of the ways that is currently being loved a lot is through stock investment. Currently, stock investment seems to be a trend carried out by people from various circles and age levels.

This is because access to easy and flexible stock investment with investment platform services from various securities companies that can be done by many people.

However, it should be noted that investing cannot be done without basic education and understanding. In addition, it is necessary to anticipate the right risks and risks so that investment has measurable risks.

This is considering that investing in stocks has a high risk so it must have a mature plan and knowledge in investing in stocks. Therefore, stock education is a very important thing before starting stock investment so that stock investors can minimize the risk of losses that will occur.

Understanding stocks before starting to invest will also make beginners understand stock investment both fundamentally and technically.

"Education about the world of stock investment can be started from basic knowledge in investing, namely determining when to buy and sell shares (Buy and Sell)," the technical analysis basis.

Often this is ignored by novice investors so that they do not get the desired profit but instead get the loss. In fact, this knowledge is one of the important strategies to be able to minimize losses in stock investment later.

In addition, education is also very important to do so that beginners can get new insights and perspectives in the world of stock investment. With stock education, beginners will know steps after steps that must be taken and prepare themselves for the future both capitalally and psychologically.

Although stock education is very necessary, many novice investors do not know where and with whom they can obtain education about stocks. Knowing this, Anthony and PanenSAHAM are committed to educating free mobile stocks throughout Indonesia to intensify education in Yogyakarta on November 19, 2022 and Semarang on November 20, 2022 with the theme Strategi Starting Shares for Renewables.

This education was attended by a total of more than 200 participants, including students and students, apart from novice investors who were already experts, who were also present to learn to know smart calculators in analyzing selected stocks, namely the PanenSAHAM Monika Application.

Anthony explained that buying company prospects for beginners in choosing stocks is very important.

"Before starting to jump into the capital market, understand the basic concept, ask yourself, what are your goals in the capital market?" said Anthony as a speaker and CEO of PanenSAHAM Sekuritas Indonesia who partnered with Mandiri Sekuritas.

"This activity is extraordinary. I personally got boncos-boncos yesterday and didn't know where it was going. I came from Temanggung very grateful that there was this kind of education and it was free too. I myself got an enlightenment, we are in the procedure according to each other's personal characters. Moreover, the Monika application is very helpful. once to help us in analyzing stocks easily, "said Daniel (40), one of the education participants in Semarang.

In December 2022, PanensahAM will also hold offline education in East Kalimantan and South Kalimantan.

"If you lose in the capital market, don't give up, continue to educate, and we will pay off again in the capital market," explained Anthony.

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