
YOGYAKARTA - The concept of buying a car is an interesting and promising business idea. For those of you who have an unemployed car at home, you need to try this idea. There are various products that can be sold by going around using a car.

Businesses with the concept of selling using cars offer various advantages, such as not having to rent buildings or buildings, being able to reach markets in different locations, and other benefits.

Many think cars can only be used to make money by online taxis. Even though cars can also be transformed into media or places to sell business products around the world.

There are several business ideas for selling using cars that you can choose from. Here are recommendations or tips for traveling business using a car.

One of the popular car-wearing businesses is food trucks. This business is suitable for those of you who own a van type car. The food truck business is more compact without the need to prepare a table or supporting equipment that is usually on the restaurant.

The food truck business is more cost-effective than opening a culinary business. You don't need to rent kiosks, equipment, to supporting furniture. For the purchasing mechanism, you can implement a take away system. You can also move from selling location to reach many consumers.

This one business idea is similar to a food truck. The coffee car business can be an option for those of you who are interested in selling coffee drinks. You can open a coffee shop or coffee shop using a car. Usually the cars used are the types of cars that have a large trunk or backroom.

You can start the coffee car business by preparing coffee ingredients, machinery and recitation equipment, to small chairs to place around the car. To make your stall more attractive, you can decorate your car with knick-knacks or unique attributes.

The idea of traveling business by car is then selling thrift. Moreover, currently thrift products are becoming a fashion trend among young people. You can open thrift sales using car trunks.

Opening a thrift business in the trunk of a car is more efficient than having to rent a kiosk. You just have to prepare a shelf for display or hang product and packaging bags. To find the product, you can buy directly per sack at a price of millions. So you can install a larger and profitable margin.

Other business products that you can sell around using a car are frozen food. Food frozen or frozen food is popular because it can be consumed in a practical way. You can use pick-up cars to sell frozen food around and move around.

Selling frozen food around is more cost-effective because you don't have to rent a kiosk. You just have to prepare a freezer engine and a loudspeaker for promotion while traveling around. By going around, you can also get wider customers.

First, you just have to look for the product from the supplier frozen food. In addition, you can also make your own frozen food products at home. Next, you just have to determine what time on the route where you will sell your wares.

Another interesting business idea to sell using mobile cars is handicraft or craft products. This idea of selling is very suitable for those of you who live near craft centers or area craftsmen of certain products, such as wall decorations, knick-knacks, traditional fabrics, and so on.

You can buy products from craftsmen in your area, then resell them using the mobile car concept. You just need to prepare a shelf or the like to hang the products you sell.

This one business idea is very well known and has been traded for a long time. However, selling vegetables and mobile fruit is still a business with promising results. You can buy vegetables and fruit from farmers, then resell them using pick-up cars or pickups.

The concept of selling is more economical than renting a kiosk or stall in the market. You just have to prepare a fruit or vegetable box and a loudspeaker for promotion. This way of selling you have offered a solution for people who want to buy fruit but are lazy to leave the house.

Those are some business ideas for the concept of selling using cars that you can try. Instead of being rarely used, it's better to use your car to produce money. Now it's just a matter of determining what product you want to sell.

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