
YOGYAKARTA - If you have ever dealt with a finance or leasing company, you are certainly familiar with the term Credit Marketing Officer (CMO). Credit Marketing Officer is one of the professional positions that is a component of the marketing division. Then what is the task of credit marketing officers?

Simply put, job desk Credit Marketing Officer is to evaluate the behavior of a consumer or customer in applying for a loan or credit. In the past, CMO might be more known by the name of a surveyor. However, there are some people who have proven to be quite underestimated in their professional position as a surveyor. This is what led to the emergence of the term Credit Marketing Officer. Then, there are also some tasks from CMO which are indeed different from surveyors.

Credit Marketing Officer is a component of the marketing division of finance, finance, or leasing companies that have the task of selling financing products, looking for customers, processing financing applications, carrying out consumer appropriate field information and fostering relationships with either dealers or showrooms.

Apart from being a marketing person, CMO also serves as a first-stage credit analyst who has the authority to suggest whether or not the consumer deserves to receive financing facilities. For this reason, the quality and quantity of consumers owned by the company relies on the quality of CMO's skills and mentality.

Because of its quite a lot of related duties, to occupy the CMO position, some special qualifications are needed and will later be equipped with various training and basic training before starting work.

Melakukan Analisis Data Pengaluan Kredit Konsumen

Before the data is submitted to the credit analyst division, the first party to filter the data is CMO. Data on prospective consumer credit applications that have been brought by CMO will get an approve or reject decision from a credit analyst, but if a CMO is correct in analyzing potential consumer data, it is likely to get an approve more easily.

Because of this, a CMO should dominate the expertise in calculating the Debt Service Ratio (DSR) of prospective consumers or customers that will be submitted by him so that the decision of a credit analyst can be estimated.

Running Marketing Function

A surveyor is generally only tasked with evaluating the appropriateness of a consumer or customer. This makes it quite different from the Credit Marketing Officer.

Surveyor is not burdened with sales because it has become the responsibility of the marketing component, even though a CMO has the content to help with marketing progress.

This marketing charge will later be applied as a source of CMO's monthly incentives or bonuses. Many consumers become customers of CMO, the bigger the incentives they get.


The next task of the Credit Marketing Officer is to carry out a survey to the homes of prospective consumers who apply for credit to the company where they work. The purpose of this survey is to get to know consumer quality and make approve decisions or rejects on submitting consumer credit applications.

There are some aspects of a survey that should have been taken by a CMO before determining to approve a consumer credit application. Among them are valid or not consumer-residential data, consumer professions, content that is the responsibility of consumers and the amount of consumer monthly income.

This is intended so that CMO can calculate the credit quality of prospective consumers through the calculation of the debt service ratio with the ideal and the right.

Maintaining the Smooth Payment of Consumer Credit

Maintaining the smooth payment of consumers is a fairly heavy Credit Marketing Officer task. This proves that the CMO work system is designed not only to prioritize marketing progress or marketing but also consumer credit quality.

No wonder the Key Performance Indicators (KPI) of a CMO is a FID or First Installment default. FID is the number of consumer installment payments in a matter of months.

CMO should be able to maintain the quality of consumer credit installments during the first half of the month, consumers should not be late in making payments at all properly with the law and the provisions of each company. In essence, the longer the content of the FID, the more difficult it will be for CMO to carry out marketing tasks.

Maintain Good Relations with Consumers

When the result is that a consumer's credit application has received approval from the company's credit analyst, it does not mean that CMO immediately let go of this matter.

Not only to protect FID, consumers with well-measured credit quality by companies will generally be offered other credit products by the company entering the completion of the ongoing credit application. This is also one of the tasks of the Credit Marketing Officer.

How much does a credit marketing officer earn?

When asked about salary, of course, it will adjust the value of salary per region and cannot be separated from the authority of the company. However, the average salary reaches IDR 3,495,645 per month.

What are the examples of marketing strategies?

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