
YOGYAKARTA The government through the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) poured subsidized fertilizers to support agricultural productivity. However, not all farmers can access these subsidized fertilizers. Because there are criteria for farmers to be able to cultivate subsidized.

The Minister of Agriculture, Syahrul Yasin Limpo, stated that he would directly oversee the distribution of subsidized fertilizers to encourage food security.

"This is considering that fertilizer is not rare, but less than the amount needed by farmers for the agricultural sector," said Syahrul, visiting VOI, Monday, November 21, 2022.

Farmers' criteria for subsidized fertilizer are regulated in the Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture Number 10 of 2020 concerning Procedures for Determining the Allocation and Highest Retail Price of Subsidized Pupuk Sector Agriculture.

In Article 3 paragraph 1 of Permentan Number 10 of 2020, subsidized fertilizer is intended for farmers who conduct sub-sector farming businesses:

Farmers' businesses in the food crop sub-sector as referred to in Article 3 paragraph 1, can access subsidy fertilizers if they plant commodities in the form of:

Farmers' businesses in the holticulture sub-sector will be given subsidized fertilizers if they plant commodities such as:

Farmers' businesses in the plantation sub-sector can access subsidized fertilizers if they plant commodities in the form of:

In addition, farmers who want to get subsidized fertilizer must also be joined by farmer groups and registered in the Agricultural Counseling Information System (Simlutantan). As stipulated in Article 3 Paragraph 5 of Permentan No. 10/2020 concerning Procedures for Determination of the Allocation and Highest Retail Price of Subsidized Pupuk Agricultural Sector.

Thus, only farmers plant the nine commodities above have Farmer Cards, and are registered in a system that can obtain subsidized fertilizers.

Subsidized fertilizers are fertilizers whose procurement and distribution receive subsidies from the Government for the needs of farmers which are carried out on the basis of the Government's program in the agricultural sector.

Pupuk subsidi yang diberikan ke petani berasal dari produksi dalam negeri maupun luar negeri.

Pupuk subsidi sebagaimana yang dimaksud pada Pasal 2 Ayat 2 Permentan Nomor 10 tahun 2022 terdiri atas:

Pupuk subsisi tersebut diproduksi dan/atau diadakan oleh PT. Pupuk Indonesia (Persero).

Subsidized Pupuk Stock

Based on the latest data as of November 15, 2022, the stock of fertilizer subsidized by PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) for the Urea and NPK types is currently recorded at 720,552 tons, with details of Urea fertilizer as much as 437,770 tons and NPK fertilizer as much as 282,782 tons.

This subsidized fertilizer is ready to be distributed to farmers registered in farmer groups and electronics of the Group Needs Definitive Plan (e-RDKK). To ensure distribution, Pupuk Indonesia is supported by complete distribution facilities.

This facility consists of 3 fertilizer bagging units (UPP) in Semarang, Cilacap, and Banyuwangi, 9 units of Distribution Center (DC) in Makassar (3 units), Medan (2 units), Dumai, Surabaya, Celukan Bawang, and Lembar. Then 590 warehouses with a capacity of 2.5 million tons, and have a network of more than 1,100 distributors and more than 28,000 official kiosks.

That's information about the criteria for farmers who get subsidized fertilizer. Hopefully it will be useful!

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