
YOGYAKARTA - vegetable farmers in the city of Yogyakarta through hundreds of vegetable villages that have been formed in the city are asked to develop a variant of spice plants next to vegetables.

"The market for spices is quite large and it is hoped that vegetable farmers in Yogyakarta can see this opportunity by growing spices," said Chairman of the Yogyakarta City Vegetable Farmers Association Heroe Poerwadi, quoted by Antara, Sunday, November 20.

According to Heroe, the demand for spice products, including processed spices, is not only to meet domestic market needs but also to enter the export market.

"The opportunity to market spices and processed spices abroad is quite large, so for now we ask the vegetable village to develop spice plants," he said.

One type of spice or spice that has begun to be planted in various vegetable villages is the bellang flower.

Bahkan, Heroe menyebutkan pihaknya berupaya untuk memproduksi produk minuman yang sama dari Kota Yogyakarta yang bahan bakunya berasal dari petani di kota tersebut.

"It is possible that the product variants can vary, such as pletok beer, drink uuh and others. The market potential is quite large," he said.

As for vegetable products, continued Heroe, it remains the focus of the vegetable village because the existence of the vegetable village was initially intended to support people's food security by planting what is eaten and eating what is planted.

"In addition to meeting daily food needs, there are already products for sale. Most of them are mustard, pocay,cress, and others," he said.

Products from vegetable villages are also used to support stunting eradication programs in Yogyakarta City.

Currently, the city of Yogyakarta has around 260 vegetable villages and so that optimal results will be made in plant clusters so that it will increase economic value for the community for welfare.

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