
JAKARTA - Chairman of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) Arsjad Rasjid said collaboration and inclusion from various stakeholders, including the business community, are the keys to domestic and global economic recovery.

This was conveyed by Arsjad in response to the success of holding the B20 Summit some time ago which unites world caliber CEOs, leaders of world-leading organizations, and entrepreneurs, as well as investors from parts of the world.

"We are here for collaboration and inclusion, namely about hand in hand, working together, and ensuring that no one is left behind from the determination of this global recovery. Let me be honest, that the collaboration we know is mutual cooperation and inclusiveness is a single Bhinneka ika," Arsjad said in his statement, quoted from Antara, Friday, November 18.

Indonesia, continued Arsjad, has learned and always continues to grow to love differences. The history of the Indonesian nation is filled with heroic mutual cooperation stories. This can happen because Indonesia was born from diversity, both in terms of ethnicity, culture, race, and religion, from 270 million people who live in more than 16 thousand islands.

"We have brought heritage that has been inherited for generations since Indonesia was born and formed this nation to grow and become stronger even at a time when the pandemic is taking place as a current world heritage," said Arsjad.

According to Arsjad, it is time for the world to absorb the single values of gotong royong and Bhinneka ika in the principles mutually agreed upon regarding the importance of collaboration and inclusive concrete actions in encouraging the recovery of the global economy.

"Indonesia can be an example for the international community to maintain world unity and peace in the midst of many sharpening challenges and differences," said Arsjad.

Arsjad admitted that it was not easy to unite all differences, interests, and ambitions from various countries. However, at the same time, Indonesia's positive economic growth amidst a series of negative growth in other countries has provided strong and undeniable evidence.

He considered that this might happen because of Indonesia's solidity which grew from collaboration and inclusiveness in the face of the pandemic.

At the same time, due to the pandemic, inequality between one country and another becomes clearer. Different handling standards, high and low response abilities have brought a number of unwanted impacts to a number of countries.

This was further emphasized by the emergence of prolonged geopolitical conflicts, which further widened the gap between developed countries and developing countries or those that were still lagging behind. Meanwhile, the destructive nature of the massive economic paradigm that leaves the environment and society continues to occur.

"When I received the responsibility as the host of B20, I immediately focused on my single cooperation and Bhinneka Ika. How are we going to bridge the differences that come from various parts of the world? These fundamental values encourage me. Because we have brought a sense of unity and collaborative action from previous years to this year, and now to the world in the future," said Arsjad.

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