
JAKARTA - Executive Director of the Center of Economic and Law Studies (Celios) Bhima Yudhistira conveyed that the energy transition funding project through the Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP) and Energy Transition Mechanism (ETM) schemes needs to be transparent in detail to the public in its implementation.

"JETP and ETM This form is a loan, not a pure private investment, loans from various parties, so it must uphold the transparency of what projects will be funded in detail to the public," Bhima said at a press conference entitled Observing the G20 Summit Agenda and Funding for Energy Transitions, quoted by Antara, Thursday, November 17.

As is known, at the G20 Summit in Bali, Indonesia received a commitment to funding the energy transition through the JETP scheme of US$20 billion (equivalent to Rp310 trillion) and an ETM scheme from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) of US$250-300 million (equivalent to Rp3.87 trillion).

As the second country to acquire the JETP scheme, Bhima continues the role of public involvement is very important in energy transition projects in Indonesia, learning from experience from South Africa, as the first country to get a JETP scheme of 8.5 billion US dollars.

The aspect of community involvement is needed to choose what project, what is the basis. If you retire early, why is this PLTU chosen, why not other PLTUs, how much it is worth and others. This is a lesson from South Africa that has run a project from JETP," said Bhima.

On this occasion, he conveyed that the energy transition could become a game changer in the next few years, where Indonesia has a great opportunity to become one of the green commodity giants, one of which is through carbon.

"After the G20, which will be one of the game changers or commodities, it is no longer coal or oil and gas but is referred to as green commodity," said Bhima.

He said the need for transition in the field of energy and transportation in Indonesia reached around Rp. 4,000 to Rp. 5,000 trillion.

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