
JAKARTA In order to support the vision of B20 Summit, PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (Telkom) through its subsidiary entity, MDI Ventures has carried out a series of events aimed at assisting investment distribution for startups in Indonesia. Since July 2022, TelkomGroup has brought together hundreds of national startups with the ranks of investors, both local and international, from various parts of the world. Therefore, as many as 25 Indonesian startups have also succeeded in obtaining funding worth a total of Rp6.19 trillion for pre-seeded stage funding to Series-C. President Director of Telkom Indonesia, Ririek Adriansyah, said Telkom is one of the backbones of digitalization backs in Indonesia. "We continue to be proactive in reading the market potential and looking at various opportunities to carry out business expansions. Through various initiatives, collaboration with various parties, and in line with the vision of B20 Summit, we are able to facilitate extraordinary funding achievements for startup players in Indonesia," he said in his written statement, Thursday, November 17. "This is a matter of pride and a manifestation of our real commitment to continue to accelerate domestic digitization," he added. Meanwhile, SOE Minister Erick Thohir appreciated Telkom's steps with MDI Ventures. According to him, investment agreement with a value of reaching 399 million US dollars is proof that Telkom is serious in supporting the development of the red and white startup ecosystem. "This achievement is in line with the spirit and direction of Mr. President Jokowi to invite as many investments into Indonesia and this we can see from what Telkom has done," he said.

According to MDI Ventures CEO Donald Wihardja, this shows that investors have high confidence in the climate of the development of the digital economy in Indonesia and domestic startups are believed to have global competitiveness and strong market potential. "In a series of matchmaking initiatives of MDI Ventures as part of Telkom, we see that the opportunities that exist are not only to facilitate investors channeling funding to startups to get capital gains, but also open opportunities for investors to gain access to products and innovations," he explained. "We together with TelkomGroup hope to continue to be a bridge for Indonesian startups with local and international investors to work together as one of the steps to support the development of the digital ecosystem in Indonesia," he said. For your information, according to Bank Indonesia, the value of digital trade in Indonesia in 2021 has reached Rp401 trillion in line with the increasing adoption of digital lifestyles in the community, supported by the development of digital payment systems, and digital banking acceleration. In 2025, the digital economy in Indonesia is projected to reach 146 billion US dollars before growing eight times to Rp4,531 trillion by 2030. Indonesia is even now the most popular digital investment destination in regional coverage, representing 40 percent digitization in Southeast Asia.

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