
JAKARTA - President Director of the State Asset Management Institute (LMAN) Basuki Purwadi said that he had used IDR 101.36 trillion from the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN) for land acquisition for the National Strategic Project (PSN) from IDR 134.5 trillion allocated.

"As of November 11, 2022 yesterday, which was realized in the amount of Rp. 101.36 trillion. As usual, the distribution remains, the largest portion remains land acquisition for toll roads," Basuki said in an Infrastructure Day webinar quoted by Antara, Thursday, November 17.

He said that the realization of Rp85.95 trillion was used for land acquisition for toll roads, Rp11.04 trillion for dam land acquisition, and Rp590 billion for irrigation.

A value of IDR 43 billion was used for land acquisition for the construction of raw water infrastructure, IDR 2 trillion for railroads, IDR 795 billion for ports and IDR 85 billion for National Tourism Strategic Areas (KSPN).

The infrastructure projects that already have land and start construction are expected to be completed no later than the first semester of 2024.

"According to President Jokowi's direction that in this second period, he does not want to leave a stalled project that can be an endless problem so that it is expected to be completed by the first semester of 2024 at the latest," he said.

This is because infrastructure development requires a non-short cycle of process and time, starting from location identification, location determination, deliberation with the community, and land assessment, to construction process.

To support the process that requires the cooperation of these various stakeholders, LMAN said he would continue to prioritize synergy and collaboration with various parties.

"Wanti-wanti dari Menteri Keuangan, semuanya harus dielesaikan dengan cepat, tepat, dan sesuai ketentuan yang berlaku, ucapnya.

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