
Members of the Lahat Regency DPRD who are members of the special coal committee (pansus) met with Commission VII of the DPR RI to conduct a hearing on mining activities that are considered detrimental to the community.

The chairman of the Lahat DPRD, Fitrizal Homizi in his speech, said that this special committee was formed to channel public unrest, especially women who had held demonstrations regarding the use of public roads by coal transport trucks.

"There is a demonstration that mothers will close the Sumatra route because there is a coal transport truck passing by. In addition, there is also a no. 3 of 2020 concerning Minerba Mining, all of whose authority is taken to the center," he said in the RDPU with Commission VII in Senayan, Monday, November 14.

So far, continued Fitrizal, his party has held hearings with the community around the mining area and found the same problem, namely a coal transport truck that crosses the Sumatra Cross Road, causing traffic jams.

"Most of the problems are the same, which is causing traffic jams because they don't have their own special roads yet," he continued.

The second problem encountered is poor mining environment management because the Regional Government (Pemda) of Lahat no longer has the authority to regulate monitoring the mining environment. "We have also visited the Lahat Environment Agency, the Provincial Energy and Mineral Resources Service and they also do not have the authority because the Central Government has taken it," he added.

For this reason, he expressed his hope to Commission VII of the DPR RI in order to facilitate public demand for the construction of special roads for coal transport trucks because it has become a scourge for the community.

"All roads in the Lahat area currently use the Sumatra Highway, which has a capacity and condition that is not comparable to coal production. There are frequent traffic jams and air pollution and this is a big concern because if it is silenced it drags on, Lahat will lose a healthy generation because they live in pollutants," complained Fitrizal.

He also asked the government to review Law no. 3 of 2020 so that local governments are also given the authority or involved in mining planning and supervision.

"We are just spectators. A small example, every year there is a mining Work Plan and Budget (RKAB). We are in Lahat, let alone invited to discuss, the results are penetrated or not," concluded Fitrizal.

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