
YOGYAKARTA - Stock opname is a familiar term among business people. Especially for companies engaged in the retail or manufacturing business. Stock opname is the activity of calculating the number of stock items for bookkeeping records.

Stock opname is carried out by adjusting the amount of goods recorded in a public journal to its physical stock inventory. Stock opname activities are not only for calculating inventory, but also objects related to the company's operations.

Stock opname needs to be done so that operational cost expenditures do not exceed the limits. In addition, the benefit of stock opname is to determine the purchase and production of goods stock appropriately. Usually this activity is carried out at the end of the year, but some are applied every three or four months.

The opname stock activity takes a long time because it has to carefully check the inventory of goods in the warehouse. In addition, the calculation of goods is required not to be missed or suffer an error.

Usually stock opname is carried out by the counter team and the input team. In doing stock opname, it usually also requires assistance in applications for calculating stock of goods in warehouses.

Thanks to technological developments, stock opname can now be done with faster and more efficient calculations. There are some tips on how to manage stock opname to be faster and more precise.

Opname stock activities take a long time, can be in the range of 2 to 5 hours to inventory in the business. The more inventory or inventory, the time it takes for stock opname is longer.

Therefore, it takes time for stock opname to run optimally and precisely. Stock opname can be done when the business is not yet or is not operating. For example, in the morning before operating hours are open or at night after closing.

Stock opnames can also be done during business holidays, such as Sundays or red dates. Stock opname at those times can be maximized because the time is longer. Do not stock opname during business operating hours because it will disrupt operational processes.

Stock opname also needs to be done regularly and periodically. Business owners need to schedule when to do stock opname. Many businesses run stock opname once a year. But there are also those who do it every 3 or 4 months.

Regular stock opname scheduling can avoid disturbances, such as difference in goods to losses.

Stock opname needs to be done by grouping up inventory. Grouping can be done by dividing by product category.

Another strategy, namely by adjusting the position or layout of goods so that they are easily retrieved or moved. Grouping goods can also be done by placing products based on the best-selling ones. This step needs to be taken to prevent damage to goods and facilitate the stock opname process.

Workers or employees who do stock opname need to be divided based on their respective duties. Employees can be divided into several groups to calculate goods in different locations.

Employees also need to be given an inventory list so they don't get me wrong when recording goods. Sleain, employees also need to be given a stock opname filling form to make records. If there are items that are not recognized, employees need to ask so that there is no input error.

The task of stock opname requires focus and accuracy. Do not use stock opname quickly but not carefully. Employees need to check their goods one by one, from brands, quality, to quantity. Employees must ensure that all stock of goods is in accordance with the conditions and quantity should.

Stock opname activities need to be carried out with computer assistance so that important data is not lost. All physical data needs to be input into the computer so that you can find out the quantity of inventory that needs to be replaced, either because it is damaged, broken, or lost. Inputing data on a computer also helps facilitate the administrative process.

The company can also use the POS system to facilitate the process of calculating inventory. With the help of the POS system, the stock opname process can run more effectively and practically.

Those are some tips for managing stock opnames in the retail or manufacturing business. Proper stock opname management needs to be done to avoid errors in the management of a business inventory.

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